Episode 4

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We stop to pick up the woman with us  "Have you been waiting long?" Alyssa asks, "No.. thanks nobody stops" The woman responds, "The world is full of assholes" I respond, "Yes" she says, "Is everything okay?" Alyssa asks, "What?" The woman says, "I mean in a place like this, without anybody or you escape from a danger or you are crazy" Alyssa says, "Alyssa" Henry says so as to stop her, "Are you married you two?" she asks to Alyssa and Henry, "Only her" Henry responds, "And you and him?" The woman says to me about James, "Nothing" i respond see him, "And where you go?" James asks to her, "Everywhere" she says, "I'm Alyssa, he is Henry, she is Maxine and he is James" Alyssa says, "Hi" we say, "I'm Bonnie" she says, "Hi Bonnie" Alyssa says, "Bonnie where you came from?" I ask but she doesn't respond and at some point James's car stops and we get off and we realize that the wheel of his car is broken "Oh no" James says, "Your car sucks James, it's the ruin of our lives" I say, "C'mon stop" he responds smiling, "You don't have another wheel?" Bonnie asks to him, "Yes but is that" he responds, "Well i'm go to pee" Alyssa says, i watch the forest when i see Alyssa returning saying "Good news later there's some house I saw smoke", "Is near?" Bonnie asks, "Yes it is" she responds and then we take the car there and we see that motel "Creepy but not that creepy" Alyssa says and then we enter inside see a man "Congratulations" he says to Henry and Alyssa, "And you are her maid?" he asks, "Yes and he is his groomsman" I respond to him sarcastically, "So you are couple too?" He asks, "Huh yes" i respond, "You want something?" he says, "Yes a phone" Alyssa says, "And a bathroom" James says, "They can't till tomorrow" he says to Alyssa, "Fuck. And a Taxi?" she asks, "Only Steve that a had a baby so" he says, "Do you have rooms?" Bonnie asks to him, "What?" we say, "Yes all free" he says, "But we don't have pounds" Alyssa says, "I pay for you, you saved me" Bonnie responds and then she asks to me and Alyssa "So Alyssa and Henry, and you and James?", "Okay" Alyssa and I respond.


Me and Alyssa are in the same room i had a big deja vu "Is the last room that they had" she says, "Ok" i respond, "Are we looking for Bonnie?" I ask to her, "Let her alone" Alyssa says, "Why?" I ask, "Because she's weird" she responds, "Only because don't talk doesn't mean is weird" i say, "Who are you talking about? About you?" she says, "She pay the room" I respond and then we met with James and Maxine and we knock at Bonnie's room and we go to drink some wine, "Burn" Bonnie says look at James' hand, "Yes" he says, "He it looks good to you" she responds, "Where did you go when you stop?" She asks, "I was taking Alyssa and Maxine at their homes" James says, "Why did you have this dress?" Bonnie asks, "I escape from the wedding" Alyssa responds, "Why?" she asks again, "Because yes" Alyssa responds, "Who did you marry?" she asks again, "With my boyfriend" Alyssa responds, "He cried?" Bonnie asks insistently, "Can you mind your own business?" Alyssa says with an angry tone then Bonnie drinks a bit saying "I was about to marry but my boyfriend died", "Died for what?" I ask but the man returns "Do you feel like a third wheel?" he says to Bonnie, "What?" she says, "If you want i sit" he says, "You think that we wants?" Alyssa says, "I only made a proposal" he says, "Maybe it's a girl's wedding" Alyssa says, "And maybe I'm the vicar" I say, "Don't bother her she's not desperate" Maxine speaks and the man go away "Thanks" Bonnie says, "Maybe he is gonna to kill us when we all fall asleep" Alyssa says and after a minute of pure silence i see her sad "Alyssa is everything okay?", "I'm tired" she says and she gets up and go back to her room and then i get up too follow her and when i get at the room i see her with the phone "You call someone?", "No, i'm going to take off this dress" she says go to the bathroom and then we sit drink another shot of wine "You're right about Bonnie she is a bit weird" i say, "Yes" she says, "Is everything okay?" I ask, "Yes literally i really imagined like this my honeymoon" she responds, "If you want tomorrow i can take you back to home" I say, "Maybe" she says and then some silence "I want to kiss you" she says, "What?" I say, "Will you?" she says, "No" i say and then we get closer and we kiss damn it seemed that Alyssa slowly despite everything was coming back to me was magical I missed that kiss so much At some point we break off after we hear a noise "What was that?" Alyssa says, "I don't know" i respond and then she gets up "What happen?" I ask, "Can you give me a minute, sorry I'm a little upset" she says, "Oh okay" i respond, "Do you mind sleep in the bathroom?" she says and then i go inside the bathroom sleep there "Thanks" she says, "Everything is going to be alright Alyssa okay?.. Goodnight Alyssa" I respond, "Goodnight Henry" she says.


After i see Alyssa and Henry go in their room i got tired too "I'm tired too" I say to James and then go back to my room i was thinking and thinking a lot and then James arrives and after we drink another shot of wine i start to talk to him about something i never knew "What happen after the beach? Nobody told me", "It was hard" he says, "I can imagine" i say, "I couldn't walking... he helps me a lot and then he died.." he says, i was sad think about what he pass, "I'm sorry you know.. i tried to watch you but they wouldn't let me and then..." James says, "Okay i'm sorry too if i didn't try to contact you after the beach" I say i look at him, he was so pretty "I want to kiss you" I say, "What?" he says, "Yes i really want a kiss from you right now" i say, "But i don't know if i can do sex" he says, "I talked about a kiss not to do sex" I respond, "Look i don't know if it works i never tried but they take me close at there" he says and then he cries i go close to him and hug him "It's everything okay i'm here now" i say we look at each other and then we kiss and we hear a noise "What was that?" I say, "I don't know" James says, "It's better if we go to sleep" I say, "Ok" he says and then we lay at the bed "Goodnight Maxine" he says smiling, "Goodnight James" I say. 

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