Episode 4

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I was going to fucking throw up these things I only saw them in horror movies not in reality, James threw up and I do too "Sorry" he says, "Don't worry" I say, "We go to the police?" James asks, "What?" Alyssa says, "Is that self-defense?" he asks, "We broke into his house.. James" she says, "But he was going to hurt you" he says, "You think they'd believe?" Henry says, "But it's true" James respond he was nervous and scared for what he do, Alyssa was to calm and Henry scared, i was scared and the same time so calm we try to get rid of his body but we can't "A dead body weighs more than a living body I read it" James says, "Interesting.. We need to clean up everything" i say, "Okay" Henry and Alyssa respond, "Have you heard? James you understand? No one needs to know that we were here if he doesn't disappear we have to disappear. Look for bleach" I say to him, he was so strange and more weird than ever we start to clean everything and then we hear a noise "James" i shout to him but nothing "Stay here i go up" i say leave Henry and Alyssa downstairs cleaning and i see James watch the body more closer "James what are you doing?" I ask, "I don't know" he says what the fuck he is doing "What did you do" i say look at him "He was almost hurting Alyssa we had to defend her" he says.


After Maxine go upstairs i talk to Alyssa "James is so weird", "Yes he is start a scaring me a bit" she says we don't talk after this when suddenly James arrives and wants us upstairs with Maxine and takes a camera and a polaroid photos we sit in the bed and watch a video of Clive hurting some girls "Ok put around him and let's go" Maxine says after James puts the photos around him we take all the evidence and burn in fire "We have to arrive to my father before they find the body" Alyssa says, "Ok" we say, "He can help us" she responds and then we leave the house we walk and it's morning and we arrive at the train station "James.. James" Maxine calls him without get attention, "We have to wait a bit there would also be this but it is on peak time so it costs more" he says something is wrong with him and i see Alyssa looking the people scared "Alyssa is everything okay? Alyssa." I ask to her, "Oh.. ehm.. Yes.. we must change appearance" she says.


In the bathroom James cut my hair and he painted them to me in total black, Alyssa the same but blonde and Henry from black to blonde hair too and we change the clothes "There was no other fit these are a little tight" James says, "It was a fucking garage sale There was nothing if you're not as skinny as it looks It's not our fault" I say i felt so weird "God it's so quiet" Alyssa says, "Where did you take the knife?" Alyssa asks to him, "What?" he says, "Yes.. the knife that you killed him, It was yours?" I speak, "So what we do we go to your father?" James asks to Alyssa, "Maybe we have to hungry" she says we go to a diner, i start to get scary by James and the same Alyssa and Henry, "My father give the knife to me" James says, "What knife is that?" I ask to him "Hunting" he responds, "is hunting is frequent in our parts" I say know that hunting is not frequented in our parts i was really scared and worried something is really really wrong to him, "Is everything okay?" James asks to me, "Yes" I respond, "And you guys?" he asks, "Yes" Henry and Alyssa nods, "What is the problem?" He asks, "What is the problem? Serious what is the problem? But fuck James you killed someone Every time I try to close my eyes and think of something anything I see his face and his neck and you stab him" I say to him, "She's right" Henry says and then the lady put the chips to our table, "You want some mustard?" James asks to me, "To the chips?" I ask, "Some people put it there" He says and then i laugh a bit but then i stop he try to take my hand "Don't take my hand" I say scared i want to leave they there and running away "I go to the bathroom" I say but in reality i was escape from James i'm so sorry that i left Henry and Alyssa there with that psycho, i spend the whole day alone and in the night i sleep in a bench of a park


After 10 minutes we don't see Maxine come back "I go the bathroom" Alyssa says and after a minute stay alone with James she comes back talk to me privately "Maxine is not in the bathroom" she says, "What and where she go?" I ask, "I don't know but i know she running away because of James.. i don't know Henry i think we should go away from him" she says, "What?" i say, "He scares me, something is wrong with him I think we shouldn't trust someone like him" she says after realizing Alyssa was right, James was so weird and something is really wrong with him and me and Alyssa leave the diner go away from there and then in night we sleep in a bus stop.

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