Episode 7

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We knock the door and Alyssa's father open the door "Hi dad" she says and his father happy says "Oh Alyssa.." and he hugs him, we enter to the trailer me, Maxine and James think to let Alyssa and his father some time, "She is your friend?" Lonnie asks, "Yes she is Maxine" Alyssa responds, "Hi" Maxine responds, "What about that faggot?" Lonnie asks, "He is James and is Maxine's boyfriend" she responds, "And the other faggot?" Lonnie asks, "He is my boyfriend" Alyssa says, i love when she says i was her boyfriend i notice that Alyssa is more happy with his dad, he accept that we can stay with him and then we sleep, Maxine and Alyssa in the couch and me and James in the ground.

And in the morning Leslie wants me and James try to throw the knifes and then we go to the beach Maxine and Alyssa are watching in the distance, After we throw the knifes Lonnie asks if we want beer and we accept then Alyssa and Maxine greet us from afar and we greet us too, "You two take care of them?" Lonnie asks, "Yes" we respond, "It's good" he says and then he talks to me "She never talk about me?" he asks, "Yes" i respond, "You think she likes me?" he asks, "Yes she always speaks well of you" I respond amd then he hugs me and hugs even James from joy.


Then we eat a burger when Leslie tells us something "We can go in a boat", "You have a boat?" Alyssa says, "Nothing that is a small cabin cruiser and take us to the afternoon" He says, "Cool" I say and in the beach we see his boat "It's awesome my dad had a boat It's like I've got a boat" Alyssa says happy, Leslie is coming with us but he's got an emergency and he's coming home to work and says to us to relax and then we stay there when i hear Henry say something to Alyssa "I think your dad's a drug dealer", "And?" she says, "You think is a place that we can stay?" James asks, "Yes James is right we killed a man" Henry says, "You're too afraid We're absolutely safe" Alyssa says to James and Henry, "James what's happening?" I ask to him privately, "For me we're not safe" he responds, "What why?" I ask to him, "... I have a bad feeling Maxine" He says, "Don't worry i'm here" i say reassure him after we spend the whole afternoon listen Leslie talk, talk and talk. 

Then Alyssa come to us talking "So what do you think about him?", i liked Leslie even he is weird "Yes he is good person" i say and James and Henry too, "You don't understand" Alyssa says and then Leslie offered to us to go take beer we go to the car when i see James behind me i know something is wrong when we arrive there i talk to James again "Are you okay?" I say to him, "Yes" he responds, "I know you're lying" I say, "Okay i don't like Alyssa's dad i feel we're not safe here" he says, "You're right i have a bad feeling of him" Henry speaks, "What he is okay" i say, "Maxine you have to open your eyes he is not okay" James says and then we sit in a table and Leslie take us beer Henry is try to convince Alyssa to move on from here but she don't want to listen and then she dance with his father we feel here away from us then he cries but then Alyssa comfort him we start to annoying when something bad was happening right now the woman we see the other day named Debbie and then we get up listen about the woman with his child and he wants money from Leslie and Alyssa asks to the child if Leslie is his dad and he nods yes, Alyssa is shocked and then Leslie ran away with the car and reversing runs over a dog we remain shocked.

At night the dog almost dead we take a stone, i was crying a lot see a dog suffering is the most disturbing thing i ever see and even James too "I can't do it" he says, "Are you crying?" Henry says to him, "No" James says and Alyssa take the stone and we don't have other choice, i hug James because i didn't want to see the scene and then he died i cry a lot and the same James, and even Henry and Alyssa sad are hugging too.

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