Episode 3

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Alyssa and I are shocked fuck I did not expect Henry but especially James that I do not see from that damn day, I had a thousand questions to ask James but I did not come out the words or better I thought but say it is harder than I thought, "You need a shower" Alyssa says to them, "Yes" Henry responds so we enter in the bar and the Alyssa's aunt gives to James and Henry a cafe "Who are they?" her aunt asks, "James and Henry" Alyssa responds i was in silence and James didn't even spoke then Alyssa's aunt go away and remain only we four i was looking James and he too to me without spoke, "So you find us?" I ask to them, "Yes" they respond and they take out an ammo with their names "Did it get to you two?" James asks, "And this is why you come?" Alyssa asks, "Yes" Henry responds, "Only for this?" Alyssa says, "Don't you find it creepy?" Henry says to her, "No" Alyssa says think that the ammo is a troll, "You shouldn't have come" then says and after some seconds of silence i decide to talk James "What happen to your leg?","Nothing's just a little rigid" he responds and then he says a thing that let me shocked "My dad died", "Oh my god" Alyssa says in sad, "I'm sorry" I respond and then Alyssa says to them that she is going to marry and they already knows after Alyssa's aunt tries to pull out James's car but it's stuck so James and Henry stay in the shed and then Alyssa's aunt left us in the shed, "I can invite you to my wedding but for you Henry it will be weird" Alyssa says, "Yes" Henry says, "Bye" Alyssa responds going away from there i can see her tears a bit falling when she runs away and then Henry goes to the bathroom, now James and I are here i was start to going away when i look at him "James when the car is fixed tomorrow you're leaving, right?" I ask, "Yes" he responds, "You were wrong to come here" I say, "I'm sorry" he responds, "I'm sorry again for your father" I say and then i leave tears are start fall i talk and see him after everything.. after 2 years.. after finally i was almost forgetting about him.


The next morning I thought seeing Alyssa after so long had pleased and instead she seemed disappointed and bitter that I came only for her, the situation when I saw it was beautiful to see her after all this but in the end it got worse now that she was going to marry another than me i was waiting for James, "So can we go i don't want stay here anymore" i say pissed off because of the wedding after we go away in the street we see Alyssa with a bride dress she was beautiful and amazing and Maxine with a light blue dress and Alyssa arrives to me "let's just go away", "ok" i respond and both Alyssa and Maxine are in the car after some silence i ask to her "And the wedding?", "Good" she responds, "So how long have you lived in this car, James?" Maxine asks, "2 months" James responds, "I can hear by the smell" she says and we drive when James asks to us "Where do you want to go?", "I don't know i want escape" Alyssa responds, "What happened?" I ask, "I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Alyssa says pissed off and then we go to a diner to eat something when the maid says to me and Alyssa "Congratulations for the marriage", "No marriage" Alyssa says, "What?" the maid says, "actually we come from a funeral I thought I would put this to exploit it a little" Alyssa says, "Ok i'll come back later" The maid says and i smile a bit but then it turn to depression again when the food arrives and Alyssa don't want to eat anything and it was strange, she is changed a lot, she was not the same Alyssa that i remember, "Alyssa can you come with hear outside a minute?" I say to her and she walks up and reach me outside "What?" she says, "Look, Alyssa, I'm sorry about the way things ended.. Our relationship last year" I say, "Yes i'm sorry too, now is ended from a century ago, can we go back?" she says, "What?" I say to her, "But what do we do? Where do we go?" she says, "But you come to me" i respond, "No you come to me to molest me just like James with Maxine" she says, "I was not molest you, i was watching you" I respond, "That still weird" she says, "But you say that you want to run away" I say, "And now i want to return" she says, "But why?" I ask, "Because i'm married" she responds i'm shocked about the fact she is married now with an another guy and then James and Maxine come to us and we see the car of James taken away.


I was eating after Henry and Alyssa go to talk in private, James starts to talk to me "Hey Maxine i'm sorry about that letter", i didn't understand when i realize that he was talking about that letter that i received, i was angry he broke up with me for no reason he continues to say sorry but i respond "I forget about that, i don't even remember a lot of what you wrote", lies, lies, lies and more lies i remember everything he says: Maxine you ruined my life and all of that because of you, i don't want to hear you or see you again and if you still love me, i don't love you anymore by James.

"I'm sorry" James says, "Yes okay James shut up please" I shout to him in angry and then i stand up and go away and he is behind me everyone are watching me and James and when i get out i see Henry and Alyssa agrue we see James' car being taken away we four start to run behind but nothing "Good" i say and James start to crying "Even if you live there is not the case to cry.. what did you have?" I say to him, "My father is inside of the car" he responds and then i realized we go from the people who took away the car but we have to pay money to get it and we do not have so me, James, Henry and Alyssa wait at 5 pm closing time to enter and then Henry and Alyssa are sleeping waiting, me and James start to talk about his father's death "How your father died?" I ask, "Heart attack. ate bad was lonely" he says, "Shit maybe i'm dying too for this when i'm getting older" I respond, "Your dress is beautiful" he says, "Thanks I made a bridesmaid to Alyssa" i respond and then i fall in sleep but i was wake up silently and James put his jacket on me for the wind and i hear him say i love you but i didn't do anything and then when was the time we enter secretly and take the car again and we broke the gate and we exit and we laughs for a moment it was like going back to the good old days and then we see a woman that do hitchhiking and we stop.

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