I. Know Your Enemy

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The days pass by quietly, you continue your training with the Hedgehogs while Tails continued to build an arsenal for the coming conflict. Every other day after training you go to the edge of town to see your team, all of them always sharing the latest with you while they also started delving into different sects of warfare and refining their tactics as a unit. They constantly insist that you watch them go over strategy and tactic and while you tried to pretend you didn't care, it was nice to have them back again.

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately this meant your days of living in the hotel. Tails seemed more than happy to open his doors to you though, practically begging you to come stay with him while everything started to fall into place.

Eggman's forces had been picking up in frequency, attacking across the Resistance's spectrum. Though thanks to the efforts of Ava and co. it seemed to be a winning battle of guerrilla tactics, your team much quieter and precise than any singular Resistance squads. The time fast approaches for the ensuing battle. After talking it over with the others you're finally able to convince them it was time to meet the heroes they'd been avoiding for so long. They begrudgingly accept after what felt like years worth of convincing, Viper quiet as ever and Ava trying to be positive but oddly Jasper seemed to be the most apprehensive about it all.

You send a message to all Resistance fighters at the South Island headquarters, hitching a ride with Tails and flying over to the island.
'>All Forces, Gather in the common room. We have some special allies to introduce to everyone.'

The plane zips through the skyline at high speeds, Tails and you both a little nervous to speak but all the same you had put off the introductions for as long as you could.

It was time they met.

The flight is quiet between the two of you, all things considered you really hadn't gotten the chance to talk much during the week. Your training took up most of your day and by the time you got back to his house you were already beat. As it turned out without having to worry yourself in circles about how Tails felt about you it was much easier to commit 100% effort into what you were doing.

Inversely Tails had been fast at work developing his Chaos Energy Combat Plan, the apparent bracelets he had been experimenting with in their final phase and ready to show to at HQ for a full assessment of production. Aside from that the main crew needed to go over the finer details of the plan, in other words the others needed to show themselves and be known so that everyone was on the same page. Doing it this way solved several issues all at once, but he was still nervous about meeting those that thought so highly of you...

"(Y/n), I know we've been busy for the past week but.. How are you holding up? Are you okay?" Tails glances back briefly.

You perk up, leaning forward a little. "I'm alright, just tired. The back to back sessions are draining but it's gotten much easier to regulate my energy. I'm not exhausted or fatigued, just tired..." You chuckle a little. "What about you? I haven't really had a chance to hang out with you since I showed up that one day."

Tails shakes his head. "I'm okay.. Still a little apprehensive but.. I'm sure it's just my nerves getting the better of me. I'm.. nervous to talk to a bunch of people that look up to me.. Or people that expect me to make the right calls.."

You reach forward and rest a hand on his shoulder, "You'll do great. You're one of the smartest ones in the entire organization and in my opinion that doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means that your plans are the most likely to succeed." You pat him a few times. "I know that probably doesn't make you feel better but... Well.. I trust you with my life.. You're the only other living thing besides myself that I can say that about."

Heroes (Tails x Reader) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now