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Three months later

As I sat alone in my office, the weight of the unsolved case bearing down on me, I couldn't shake the feeling of failure that gnawed at my insides.

Three months had passed since my uncle's murder, and despite our best efforts, we were no closer to finding the truth.

"I feel like I don't do my job right... I'm failing," I confessed to Jihyo, my voice heavy with frustration as I gestured toward the piece of paper that had become a constant reminder of my shortcomings.

Jihyo offered me a sympathetic smile, her eyes reflecting the same sense of determination that had driven us from the start.

"You're not failing, Y/N," she reassured me, her tone firm. "We've hit a roadblock, but that doesn't mean we give up. We'll find the answers, we just need to keep pushing forward."

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning while I kept reading the letter, those initials, "29cy," could only belong to one person...

Son Chaeyoung...

My high school crush.

Memories of our time together flooded my mind, her infectious laughter echoing in my ears as I recalled the days we spent in the school's music room, her fingers dancing across the strings of the guitar with effortless grace.

With a sense of urgency burning in my chest, I wasted no time in searching for Chaeyoung's address.

As the screen displayed the familiar details of her location, my heart leaped with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Without a second thought, I closed my laptop and made my way out of the office, determined to find her no matter the hour.

The city streets were bathed in the soft glow of streetlights as I hurried along, my steps quickening with each passing moment.

Despite the late hour, my determination to reach Chaeyoung's side never wavered, fueled by the memories of our shared past and the hope of a future yet to come.

As I finally arrived at her doorstep, my heart pounded in my chest, the sound echoing in my ears as I raised my hand to knock.

With each rap of my knuckles against the wood, my anticipation grew, my mind racing with thoughts of what awaited me on the other side.

And then, to my surprise and relief, the door swung open, revealing Chaeyoung standing before me, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.

For a moment, we simply stared at each other, the weight of our shared history hanging in the air between us.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung's voice was soft, her expression a mixture of concern and curiosity as she regarded me.

"I had to see you," I replied, my words tumbling out in a rush. "I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to know if you were okay."

A flicker of emotion passed through Chaeyoung's eyes, her gaze searching mine for signs of sincerity. And then, with a small nod, she stepped aside, inviting me into her home with a gesture of her hand.

As I crossed the threshold into her living room, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, the tension in my shoulders easing as I realized that I had finally found her.

I retrieved the letter from my pocket and presented it to Chaeyoung, my hands trembling slightly with anticipation.

As I watched her expression closely, hoping for some semblance of recognition, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety coursing through my veins.

"Why is your coded name on this letter?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency as I awaited her response. "Do you know anything about it?"

Chaeyoung's brow furrowed in confusion as she accepted the paper, her eyes scanning over the characters with a furrowed brow.

After a moment of careful examination, she shook her head, her expression one of genuine bewilderment.

"I don't understand," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she handed the paper back to me. "These characters don't match my name or any code I'm familiar with."

Frustration bubbled up within me as I stared down at the letter in my hands, the weight of disappointment settling heavily upon my shoulders.

It seemed that my hopes of uncovering the truth had been dashed once again, leaving me with more questions than answers.

As I glanced up at Chaeyoung, her eyes filled with genuine concern and confusion, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for dragging her into my personal turmoil.

With a sigh, I tucked the letter back into my pocket, silently vowing to continue my search for answers on my own.

"Thank you for checking," I said, forcing a small smile as I tried to mask my disappointment. "I'm sorry for bothering you with this. I'll figure it out on my own."

Chaeyoung reached out a comforting hand, her touch warm and reassuring against my skin. "Don't apologize," she said softly. "If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. I'm here for you, always."

Chaeyoung's pov

As you left, the weight of my secret bore down on me like a heavy burden, threatening to suffocate me with each passing moment.

I watched you disappear into the night, my heart aching with the knowledge that I could never reveal the truth to you.

For years, I had harbored an intense and all-consuming obsession with you, fueled by a deep-seated desire that bordered on madness.

It had started innocently enough, a childhood crush that had blossomed into something darker and more sinister over time.

When I learned of your uncle's involvement in your parents' deaths, I saw it as an opportunity to eliminate the only obstacle standing between us.

It was a moment of weakness, driven by my overwhelming need to protect you at any cost. And so, I had taken matters into my own hands, extinguishing his life with cold and calculated precision.

But as I stood there, grappling with the enormity of my actions, I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a grave mistake.

The guilt gnawed at me, threatening to consume me from the inside out, but I knew that I could never turn back now.

You were back in my life, and I couldn't risk losing you again. Even if it meant burying my feelings and hiding the truth from you forever, I would do whatever it took to keep you safe.

With a heavy heart, I retreated into the shadows, resigned to the fact that my love for you would forever remain a dark and twisted secret, hidden away from the light of day.

And as I disappeared into the night, I knew that our paths would inevitably cross again, bound together by a web of lies and deceit that could never be undone.

"You're mine Y/N..." I muttered as I went back to my room and took a picture of you from my drawer, placing my finger on it as I circled your face with it. "Only mine.."

NYMPHOMANIAC (Son Chaeyoung x F reader) [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now