paranoid [G!P]

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"You disgust me," you muttered, your frustration boiling over as you struggled to process the whirlwind of chaotic emotions swirling inside you.

The events of the past few moments had left you feeling overwhelmed and utterly bewildered. "Are you paranoid?"

Chaeyoung's smirk faltered at your words, a flicker of hurt flashing across her features before being replaced by a steely resolve.

"Paranoid?" she echoed, her voice sharp with indignation as she bristled at your accusation. "I'm not paranoid, I'm in love."

Her words hit you like a punch to the gut, the sheer audacity of her confession leaving you speechless.

"Love?" you scoffed, the bitter taste of disbelief lingering on your tongue. "This isn't love, Chaeyoung. This is obsession."

But Chaeyoung only shook her head, her eyes ablaze with a fervent intensity that sent a chill down your spine.

"You just don't understand," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation. "I would do anything for you, Y/N. Can't you see that?"

The weight of her words hung heavy in the air between you, the tension palpable as you struggled to make sense of the tangled mess of emotions that threatened to consume you.

"That's far from obsession.. you were about to kill Dahyun because.. because I'm in love with her?!" you yelled, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

But as the weight of your accusation settled over the room, Chaeyoung's expression hardened, her features contorted with a dangerous determination.

In an instant, she lunged towards you, her movements swift and calculated as she pushed you down onto the couch, her hand wrapping around your neck in a tight grip.

Despite the pressure, you could sense a hesitance in her touch, as if she were holding back, torn between her desire to possess you and her fear of causing you harm.

"If I can't have you.. then no one can.." she mouthed softly, her words barely audible above the pounding of your heart as she released her hold on your neck and settled herself onto your lap.

"I gave you what you wanted.. can't you just leave me?" you pleaded, the desperation evident in your voice as you searched for some semblance of reason in Chaeyoung's eyes.

You threw your head back in frustration, hoping against hope that she would finally relent and release you from her suffocating grasp.

But Chaeyoung remained unmoved, her gaze fixed on you with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down your spine. There was a hunger in her eyes, a twisted desire that seemed to consume her from within.

"No.. I want more. I'm addicted to it," she whispered, her voice dripping with seduction as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against your skin.

The words hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of her obsession, and you felt a cold knot of fear coil in the pit of your stomach.

In that moment, as Chaeyoung's grip tightened around you, you realized that you were trapped in a dangerous game of her making, one from which there might be no escape.

And as her lips brushed against yours in a cruel mockery of affection, you knew that you were powerless to resist her pull. "Chaeyoung.." you sighed.

"I know what you did with Dahyun.." Chaeyoung whispered, her breath hot against your ear.

"And I won't let you get away with it." She pushed you down onto the couch, straddling your hips as she held your wrists above your head. "Not on my watch.."

Your crotch pressing against hard against your boxers, wanting to be realised. You couldn't do much since she had pinned you down. "Chaeyoung please.. you're killing me.." you panted, trying to move your body slightly upwards, showing her how eager you were.

"Oh, I'm killing you?" Chaeyoung smirked, leaning down to trail kisses along your jawline.

"How about I really kill you?" She whispered before capturing your lips in a fiery kiss, her tongue demanding entrance into your mouth.

"Hmm, you like that?" Chaeyoung purred, grinding her hips against your erection through your boxers.

"Fuck stop.." you groaned in her mouth, arching your back of the couch as your hips shook uncontrollably up and down wanting more contact. Your hands still pinned above your head, making you all weak. "I can't do this to Dahyun.."

"Oh, you think I care about Dahyun?" Chaeyoung chuckled darkly, her grip on your wrists tightening. "I only care about what I want, and right now, I want you."

You started losing control of your body and even without her touching your boner you started leaking your precum making your boxers slightly wet. "S-stop.." you cried out.

"Oh, look at that." Chaeyoung mouthed, reaching down to grasp your throbbing cock through your boxers.

"You're so turned on by me that you can't even help but make a mess of yourself." She smirked, her gaze hungrily drinking in the sight of your now exposed erection.

"S-shut up, you whore.." you hissed, shaking your body vigorously in attempt to escape her grip. You just wanted to slap her face and ran away but that pleasure she was giving you was way too good to miss.

"Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me." Chaeyoung purred, her thumb rubbing softly over the head of your cock. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against your ear. "You know what I'm going to do to you next?"

You shook your head and watched her as she took off her shirt leaving her only with her bra and pants.

She opened your mouth placing her shirt in so you wouldn't be able to talk and grabbed your handcuffs from the pocket of your jeans, wrapping them around your wrists.

"MMMM!" you groaned, unable to talk and tried to spit the shirt off your mouth but she kept pushing it in as you did so.

"That's a good girl.." Chaeyoung smirked, pressing her body flush against yours. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of your boxers again, her soft gasps indicating her approval at the sight of your rigid cock.

"Fuck you bitch!" you tried to muffle with the shirt still in your mouth which only made Chaeyoung laugh like a maniac.

"You're so cute when you're angry." Chaeyoung teased, her fingers wrapping around your length and stroking it slowly. "I think I'll make you cum before I do anything else."

"Hmmm!" you gasped, your hips backing up at the touch of her soft fingers on your hard member. You looked up at her and then down at her hands not being able to focus at all.

"That's it, baby. Just enjoy." Chaeyoung purred, her thumb rubbing against the head of your cock as she stroked you faster. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against your ear. "You like this? You want more?"

"Ahhhh!" you growled in ecstasy as the shirt was still being pushed in your mouth. You cock twitching in her hand while your hips trembled before you shot your cum all over the place making a mess.

"Mmmm," Chaeyoung hummed, her eyes following the trajectory of your cum as it landed on her face and then dripped down to her chest. "I think I like making you messy." She laughed, her fingers still wrapped around your softening cock.

Your eyes travelling from her lips down to her cum-filled chest making your heart skip a beat. You spitted the shirt away as you tried to catch up your breath. "Holy shit.." you panted.

"That's right, baby.." Chaeyoung agreed with a smirk. She leaned back slightly, her tattooed arms crossing under her breasts as she watched you catch your breath. "Now how about we clean up together?"

NYMPHOMANIAC (Son Chaeyoung x F reader) [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now