i dont want you to die

87 4 12

Time skip

The sound of the window stuttered downstairs, your heart began to race, each beat echoing loudly in your ears.

You lay frozen in bed, the covers pulled up to your chin as you waited with bated breath for Tzuyu's inevitable arrival.

The minutes stretched into an eternity, the tension in the air thickening with each passing moment.

Footsteps echoed on the stairs, slow and deliberate, sending a shiver down your spine.

You closed your eyes, trying to steady your racing pulse as the footsteps drew closer and closer.

The door to your bedroom creaked open, and you held your breath, bracing yourself for the confrontation.

Tzuyu's silhouette appeared in the doorway, her figure outlined by the dim light filtering in from the hallway.

"Y/N," she called softly, her voice carrying a chilling edge. "I know you're here."

You remained silent, your muscles tensed as you prepared for whatever was to come.

Tzuyu stepped further into the room, her gaze fixed on you with an intensity that made your blood run cold.

"Come out, Y/N," she said, her tone coaxing yet menacing. "It's time to finish what we started."

You stayed rooted to the spot, refusing to give in to her demands. Despite the fear coursing through your veins, you summoned every ounce of courage you had left, determined to face Tzuyu head-on.

But just as Tzuyu took another step forward, a sudden crash echoed from downstairs, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Chaeyoung burst into the room, her gun drawn as she confronted Tzuyu with a fierce determination in her eyes.

"Tzuyu," Chaeyoung spat, her voice laced with venom. "You've caused enough pain lately. It ends here."

"What about the pain you caused because you were obsessed with Y/N!" Tzuyu's words cut through the tense silence, Chaeyoung's expression hardened, her grip tightening on the gun as she glared back at her nemesis.

"I've moved past that," Chaeyoung retorted, her voice laced with anger. "But you... you're still consumed by your own darkness."

Before Tzuyu could respond, chaos erupted in the room. In the heat of their confrontation, the two girls started fighting causing a stray bullet flew from Chaeyoung's gun, striking you in the stomach.

Pain shot through your body, searing agony engulfing your senses as you stumbled back, clutching your wounded stomach with a gasp of pain.

"Y/N!" Chaeyoung cried out, her voice filled with panic as she rushed to your side, her hands trembling as she assessed the wound.

Tzuyu stood nearby, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched the scene unfold.

Ignoring the pain radiating from your stomach, you gritted your teeth, pushing yourself to your feet with Chaeyoung's support.

"We need to end this," you managed to say through clenched teeth, your voice strained with pain but resolute.

Chaeyoung nodded, her eyes blazing with determination as she turned to face Tzuyu once more.

"This ends now," she declared, her voice firm as she raised her gun, ready to take down the woman who had brought chaos into your lives once again.

Tzuyu's smirk widened, her gaze flickering between you and Chaeyoung. "You can try," she taunted, her tone dripping with arrogance as she prepared to defend herself against the two of you.

NYMPHOMANIAC (Son Chaeyoung x F reader) [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now