am i next?

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The next morning

Third person's pov

With a groggy mind and disheveled appearance, you stumbled to the door in a haze, your thoughts clouded by sleep.

As you swung the door open, your bleary eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Jihyo standing before you, her expression tense and urgent.

Before you could utter a word of greeting, Jihyo barged past you, her eyes darting around the room in search of something.

Confusion washed over you as you watched her frantic movements, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Jihyo, what's going on?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern as you followed her into the house.

"Stop playing dumb, Y/N," Jihyo snapped, her tone sharp with frustration. "We need to talk."

Your confusion only deepened at her cryptic words, your mind struggling to catch up with the sudden turn of events.

What could possibly be so urgent that Jihyo felt the need to barge into your house like this?

Sana entered with the pizza cardboard, her expression grave, your heart sank at the sight of the ominous message scrawled on its surface.

The words sent a chill down your spine, stirring up a sense of dread that lingered in the air like a heavy fog.

Jihyo's suspicions waned as she took in the message, her features hardening with determination. It was clear that the threat was real, and there was no time to waste in deciphering its meaning.

"It's happening again," Jihyo murmured, her voice low and tense as she turned to face you and Sana. "Someone is back for revenge."

Your mind raced as you processed Jihyo's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in with each passing moment.

Whoever had left that message was determined to find you, to exact their vengeance without mercy.

Fear gnawed at the edges of your consciousness, but you refused to succumb to it.

You had faced danger before, and you would do so again if it meant protecting those you cared about.

"We need to be vigilant," Jihyo continued, her voice firm with resolve. "We can't let them catch us off guard."

"How am I going to tell Daewon.." you sighed in disbelief.

"The same way you did when your parents got killed.." the weight of Jihyo's words hung heavily in the air, the memory of your past trauma resurfacing with painful clarity.

You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the difficult conversation that lay ahead.

"I'll do it," you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within you. "I just hope she'll understand."

Jihyo offered you a reassuring smile, her gaze filled with empathy. "She will. She's stronger than you think."

With a silent nod of gratitude, you made your way to where Chaeyoung was, since you had woken up, her presence a beacon of comfort amidst the encroaching darkness.

As you approached her, you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the turmoil that awaited her.

"Chaeyoung," you began, your voice soft yet tinged with sorrow. "There's something I need to tell you."

Chaeyoung looked up, her expression shifting from curiosity to concern as she sensed the gravity of your words. "What is it?" she asked, her voice laced with apprehension.

NYMPHOMANIAC (Son Chaeyoung x F reader) [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now