first bath [G!P]

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You didn't reply, just stared at her. Without asking, Chaeyoung made you stand up removing the handcuffs from your hands as you walked towards the bathroom.

She stripped off all her clothes revealing all those tattoos on her body which only made her hotter. You were too in the moment that you didn't realize that you were staring at her back tattoo as she got into the shower.

"Are you coming or what?" Chaeyoung teased, turning on the water and stepping under the warm spray. She leaned against the shower wall, her breasts pressing against the cool glass as she looked over at you expectantly.

You stepped in the shower, the hot water making your body heat up immediately and your soft dick now became harder than a rock. Chaeyoung in the other side pressed her ass against it and grabbed your arms, wrapping them around her waist.

"No.. I ain't doing that.." you refused, shaking your head but not stepping away because deep down you just wanted to fill her up.

"Aww, are you scared?" Chaeyoung purred, her fingers tracing circles on your bare skin. She pressed her body even closer, feeling the head of your cock rub against her slick folds. "I'll make it good for you."

You entered her in slowly as she took you from behind. "Oh! So tight.." you gasped, holding her ass gently as your thrusts became faster.

"Mmm, you like that?" Chaeyoung moaned, her body moving with yours as she rode your cock.

Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and she leaned forward to place her hands on the wall for support. "Harder," she demanded.

Your one hand moved onto her lower back where her tattoo was while the other grasped her breasts. "So good.. lord.." you panted, your thrusts becoming more rough now that you found the right spot to hit on.

"Yes!" Chaeyoung cried out, arching her back as she felt you hit that spot. Her grip on the wall tightened, and she started to grind her hips against yours. "Fuck me like that."

Her ass wiggling with each rough shove in. The slap of your fleshes along with the water falling on you echoing in the bathroom. "You're so tight bitch!" you groaned, slapping her ass harshly.

"Oh fuck!" Chaeyoung moaned, her body shaking as she felt you hit her just right. She leaned back against you, your skin slick with sweat and water. "I'm close," she warned, her breathing growing heavier.

"Cum on me.." you hissed right next to her ear, picking up the pace and pounding hardly in her now stretched cunt. You grasped her hips for support as you both realised at the same time with a loud moan.

"Oh fuck!" Chaeyoung cried out as she came again, her body shaking with pleasure. She leaned into you, their sweaty skin melding together. "That was intense," she panted, looking up at you with a mix of satisfaction and desire in her eyes.

"Let's clean up now.." you mouthed breathless, pulling out as her legs dripping down with cum. You got beneath the shower and started washing up yourself as you felt more relaxed than ever.

As you pulled out, Chaeyoung let out a soft moan, her body still quivering from the aftershocks of her orgasms. She slowly joined you under the shower, gasping for breath.

Time skip

As you sat at your desk, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite the events of the past few days, Jihyo approached you with a curious expression.

Before she could voice her question, however, Dahyun entered the room carrying a small box.

"Hey, I brought this for you," Dahyun said, her voice bright with excitement as she placed the box on your desk. "It's just a little something to thank you for everything."

You smiled gratefully at Dahyun, touched by her gesture. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you," you replied, reaching for the box and carefully opening it.

Inside, you found a beautifully crafted necklace, the pendant gleaming in the soft light of the room. It was a simple yet elegant piece, and you couldn't help but be impressed by Dahyun's thoughtfulness.

"It's lovely," you said sincerely, lifting the necklace from the box and admiring it. "Thank you so much, Dahyun."

Dahyun beamed at your words, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I'm glad you like it," she said, her smile widening. "I thought it might bring you some joy."

You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you at Dahyun's kindness. Despite the lingering unease from your encounter with Chaeyoung, you couldn't help but be grateful for the genuine connection you shared with Dahyun.

You thanked her once again and made a silent vow to protect that connection at all costs, knowing that it was something truly precious in your life.

As Dahyun handed you a photo that she kept in her pockets, your heart sank and your stomach churned with a mixture of shock and anger.

You recognized the image immediately, it was the same one that Chaeyoung had sent you as a threat.

Forcing yourself to remain composed, you took the photo from Dahyun's hands, your fingers trembling slightly as you examined it.

Despite the rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm you, you knew you had to keep your composure in front of Dahyun.

"I'll take a look at this later," you said, your voice strained as you struggled to maintain your calm facade. "Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

Dahyun frowned, her brows furrowing in concern as she studied your reaction. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

You forced a smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "Yeah, everything's fine," you replied, hoping to reassure her. "Just some work stuff to deal with."

Dahyun nodded, though her expression remained troubled. "Well, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you," she said softly, reaching out to squeeze your hand in a comforting gesture.

You squeezed her hand back, grateful for her support despite the turmoil swirling inside you. "Thanks, Dahyun," you said sincerely, though your mind was already racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation with Chaeyoung.

As Dahyun left the room, you were left alone with your thoughts, the weight of Chaeyoung's manipulation heavy on your shoulders.

NYMPHOMANIAC (Son Chaeyoung x F reader) [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now