7 - Friendzone or No Friendzone?

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It had been 3 days since the dinner with everyone, the one where afterward I kissed Bexley before she got in her car. I hadn't called her, texted her or anything. She had text me a few times, but I didn't know what to even say to her. She was acting like it didn't happen, but I knew I should talk to her.

I was sitting on my couch with my phone in my hand as Scott sat next to me and sighed.

"You paying attention to this game or am I alone watching baseball?" Scott asked. I looked up from staring at my phone and sighed.

"Can I ask your opinion on something?" I asked and Scott gave a small smile.

"Yes, you should ask Bexley out and give up on friend zoning it..." Scott trailed off. When I was silent Scott snapped his head and looked at me. "Oh my god was that what you were going to ask?!" Scott asked.

"Yes and no. When we all had dinner the other night, I walked Bex to her car. I don't know what came over me, but I took her hands, leaned in and kissed her. It wasn't anything crazy, but I felt the sparks and I knew she did too. She gave that little whimper when I broke the kiss apart." I explained.

"Chris! Ask her out already!" Scott snapped.

"Well since the kiss, I haven't talked to her."

Scott thought for a minute, "Wait...that was 3 days ago...CHRIS!" Scott yelled.

I hung my head, 'I know, I know." I grumbled.

"You kissed her and then left her hanging?! Come on that is like a teenager Chris move! You are 41!"

"Stop! I know! She has been texting just wanting to have a normal conversation and I don't know what to do because I know it will come up." I explained.

"Chris, you need to man up and just answer her, send her something." Scott said.

Before I could reply, I got a text.

Bex: Hey, so I don't really know what's going on but you haven't talked to me since dinner. I wouldn't even have to mention what happened after if you didn't mean to do it. I just didn't want to lose a friend this fast. I mean if it's too weird for you then fine, block me or whatever and I will leave you alone. Nice to meet you, Chris.

I quickly decided to do something insane.

Chris: That's not it at all Bex. If you want to come to my place, I can try and explain all of this to you. Or we can meet up somewhere if that makes you more comfortable. Whatever you would like. Please though meet with me...

I saw she read the message, but she didn't answer right away.

Bex: I will come to you, more private and depending on what happens.

Chris: Perfect, when do you want to come over?

Bex: Leaving my place now.

This made me smirk knowing this could be worked out once and for all.

I looked at Scott, "I need you to leave."

"Excuse me?!"

"Bex is coming over so we can talk. This needs to be done."

Scott stood up, "You're lucky I like Bex and I'm leaving. If you hurt her Chris I will get everyone from dinner over here to kick your ass. We all loved her. You hurt her, we kick you out of the friend's group and add her in."

"I won't hurt her, damn." I growled.

"Better not." Scott said and left.

**BEX POV**    

I pulled up to Chris's gate and hit the buzzer. He just opened the gate and I drove down the long driveway. As I got out of my car I sighed, nervous about what was going to happen here. I walked to the door and knocked. I waited and the door opened, Chris was trying to hold back Dodger who was excited to see me.

"Hey, come on in." Chris said moving off to the side and I walked in. Dodger got loose and jumped up on me and I smiled.

"Hey you goofball." I said and kissed his muzzle. Dodger then got off me and I looked at Chris.

"Hey." I said just standing there.

"Hey, come on in." Chris said and ushered me into his living room. I sat on the couch and he sat on the opposite end. We were silent for a minute and Dodger was laying on the floor by me.

"So, you invited me over..." I trailed off.

"I did. I just wanted to talk to you about the kiss the other night and what it means coming from me." Chris explained and I nodded.

"I would really like to hear it." I said and Chris smiled.

"Okay well the other night when I kissed you, I knew what I was doing. It wasn't a moment of weakness or lapse in judgement or anything. I wanted to kiss you, I have been wanting to kiss you since I saw you in your shop when I found out where you worked, I wanted to kiss you when you came here that night because of Damon and you asked me to but it wasn't the right time. Leaving dinner, the other night seemed like the right time. We had a good night out with people, my friends, who love you by the way, and it just felt right to kiss you. I don't take it back and I would love to kiss you more." Chris admitted and I just looked at me and had a small smile on my face.

"When you kissed me and then left, I didn't know what to think of it. I mean I almost followed you home that night to get an answer. Then when you didn't answer me over the past couple of days, I got nervous. Chris, the rate we started this at, friendzone was never going to work." I said and Chris nodded.

"So Bexley..." Chris said and moved closer to me on the couch, and I smiled as he came right up to me. I repositioned myself on the couch and Chris laid me down gently on his couch and I giggled. "Would you like to unfriendzone each other and make this thing official. Would you be my girlfriend?" Chris said as his lips brushed mine and I sighed with a smile.

"I will." I barely got it out before Chris's lips crashed to mine and we stayed laying on his couch making out.

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