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Shubman obviously had his match in different stadium than Ishan, they exchanged their goodbyes and best of lucks before parting ways, Shubman didn't respond much interestedly though.

Timings for Shubman's match were much later, him and few of his teammates had scooted into the bus to reach a little earlier at the venue. Some of them were warming up whilst Shubman was sitting at the sidelines observing them, trying to prepare himself mentally before his own match.

Although, his complete concentration was on watching Ishan's match on the phone instead which had already begun, entire time Mayank kept passing Ishan smiles, irking Shubman, what is wrong with him?

Mumbai Indians won by 7 wickets, a relieved smile spreading on Shubman's lips watching it, now Ishan won't be going on the date with Mayank.

Shubman kept his phone down, finally feeling light-hearted, few hours had passed by now as he stood up from the bench being in the locker room and cracked his fingers, streching a little bit before going to the field for a warm-up as now they were about to play.

Kolkata knight Riders lost again by 7 wickets, both the opponent teams stayed in different hotel from Mumbai Indians and Rajasthan Royals that night, unfortunately Shubman couldn't be with Ishan today.

He missed him, personally he hadn't been feeling good these days. He felt like he was lacking on so many levels, no matter what people said and how much they appreciated his skills, he was just a young boy with big dreams carrying weight of millions hope on his shoulders which had been feeling a lot heavier lately and in these tough times his comfort place was only Ishan, he always provided him warmth, he always knew the right words to say. Shubman would melt everytime in his embrace, letting go of all his worries. Shubman could be totally transparent in front of Ishan.

Even though everyone in his squad was so nice toward him, he couldn't help but feel uneasy here being all alone without Ishan whatsoever.

Shubman was in his room, half laying on the bed, talking to Sara on the call when a notification popped on his phone. Ishan had posted a pic with Mayank while they were having dinner, alone, in a restaurant.
So they went on the date afterall.

Entire time followed by seeing the picture, Shubman's mind kept wandering toward Ishan and Mayank while being with Sara on the call. Why would he do that? He didn't had a single moment to text Shubman meanwhile he had all the time to go on dinner with Mayank even though he must be exhausted after the game.

"Shubman, are you there?" Sara asked breaking Shubman's trance. He registered that he didn't hear anything Sara previously said, her each word fell deaf on his ears.

"Erm, Sorry what?" He queried, hearing Sara sigh on the other side. "Shubi, I called your name four times, where's your mind? Is everything okay?"

"Nothing" he gulped the lump forming in his throat for an unknown reason, "I'm just tired" Shubman barely uttered after a short pause, tears brimming in his eyes and it took everything in him to not let them fall.

"Okay, then probably you should sleep", Sara suggested.

"Yea, Goodnight", Shubman immediately agreed.

Sara - "I love you, bye"

Shubman - "Love you too, bye"

He kept the phone down on the night table before slipping into his covers, his roommate kuldeep Bhai was still out as he felt himself slowly dozing off.

Each time they are separated, Shubman realises just how hollow he is without Ishan. Ishan has become his escape from this chaotic world, he fills the emptiness in him like no one can.
It was absolutely normal to feel like this about your best friend right ? Of course it was. So what Ishan went on a dinner with Mayank and didn't text him, their bond was much stronger. So what he had his girlfriend with him on the call and all he could think about was Ishan Kishan. So what nothing fit into the right place just because Ishan wasn't paying attention to him. Everything was absolutely normal.

I know the update is short but I will be writing another one soon. Or yaar comment kardiya karo ache ache, please keep telling me how you guys are liking it.

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