Together Again, Together Forever

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Shubman wakes up the next morning with the warmth of Ishan's voice still lingering in his mind. He stretches lazily feeling a dull ache from the long practice sessions but a stronger yearning in his chest. The call had been a balm but it isn't enough. He needs more, he needs to see his beloved in person, embrace him, touch him, kiss him.

As he gets ready for the day, his mind wanders back to their brief yet deeply intimate conversation, his teammates notice his unusually quiet demeanor but know better than to pry. They all have their own relationships, their own longings. IPL is exhilarating but it can be lonely too.

Shubman's phone buzzes with a notification. He glances at it, a smile spreading across his face. It's a good morning and good luck text for the match from Ishan, simple yet heartfelt. He quickly types a reply, wishing Ishan good morning and quickly attaches a selfie of him smiling wide doing a thumbs up with a message, 'Thanks, you've made my day now, love', meanwhile on the other side Ishan melts seeing those dimples, adoration surging in his heart.

Within a few seconds Shubman receives Ishan's messy selfie who is still in bed as the message says, 'You deserve it for being such a good boy, I miss dipping those dimples'. Shubman blushes, an uncontrollable smile unfurling on his lips as he shoves the phone in his pocket deciding to reply later because he might explode if he does it now, the teammates across the sidelines once again notice sudden change in his behaviour but remain quiet. Love does things to you and they might not officially disclose it now, their love is nothing that nobody knows about.

Later that evening, Shubman sits in his hotel room on the edge of bed, staring at his phone. He knows Ishan's team, Mumbai Indians, arrived in the city three days before their match. He desperately wants to see Ishan but he also has to focus on his own preparations. A soft knock on the door pulls him out of his thoughts.

"Come in," he allows, half expecting one of his teammates.

To no surprise, it's Hardik. "Hey, Shub. Mind if I join you for a bit?" he asks, entering without waiting for an answer.

Shubman smiles. Hardik has a knack for knowing when someone needs company. "Sure, bhai. What's up?"

Hardik plops down on the bed beside him, glancing at the cricket gear strewn about aside the centre table, "Just thought I'd check in. You've been quiet today or should I say you've been quiet recently a lot", he initiates fixing his eyes on Shubman.

Shubman chuckles, "Just missing someone, that's all."

"Ah, the famous Ishan Kishan effect," Hardik teases, making Shubman blush.

"I get it. It's tough being apart, but hey, you'll see each other soon, right?"

"Yeah," Shubman nods, his smile returning, "We have a match against MI in a couple of days."

"Good," Hardik says clapping him on the shoulder, "Focus on that, use it as motivation. Besides, you two will probably be all over each other on the field and we'll have to break it up," he adds with a laugh.

Shubman laughs too, the tension easing. Hardik has a way of making things seem better, more manageable. "Thanks, bhai. I needed that."

"Anytime, kid," Hardik says standing up, "Now, get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow. I'll be back in a few minutes"

As the door closes behind Hardik, Shubman feels a renewed sense of determination. He can get through this. They both can. With a final glance at his phone, he sends one last text to Ishan, a simple, "Good night, love you, Ish" before settling into bed.

Across the city, Ishan is wrapping up his own day. He had played well in today's practice session. The adrenaline is still coursing through his veins as he enters his hotel room, but something is missing, or rather, someone, he can never get used to this feeling, he misses Shubman showing his golden retriever energy each time he enters the room.

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