The Secret Rendezvous, Boundless Love

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Apparently Hardik walks in on them sleeping like a baby engulfed in each other's arms, soft relaxed snores and expression of infinite peace on their faces is wholesome enough to melt anyone, Hardik warmly smiles to himself while standing at an opened door, the doorknob still in his hand. It felt illegal to disturb them, so, he decides to walk away to find himself another room to share with someone else, not forgetting to snap a picture of them before that.

The days leading up to the match are a blur of stolen moments and hushed whispers. Shubman and Ishan already being experts at sneaking around, become even more pro finding ways to be together amidst the hectic schedule of practice sessions and team meetings.

Every time there's a break, Shubman looks for Ishan. They exchange knowing glances across the field, their hearts racing as they carve out precious minutes together. Whether it's sharing a quick conversation behind the practice nets or slipping away to a quiet corner of the stadium, every second spent together feels like a lifeline.

Hardik being very understanding of the situation, giving Shubman a knowing smile permanently shifts to another room.

At night, they continue their secret rendezvous. Ishan sneaks out of his hotel room, careful not to wake his roommate, Rohit Bhai. He makes his way to Shubman's room, the thrill of these stealthy meetings making his heart pound. Shubman waits for him, the door ajar, and pulls him inside the moment he arrives.

They spend these hours talking, laughing, and holding each other, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. The impending match looms over them but in these moments, nothing else matters.

The night before the match, they lie in bed, their fingers intertwined. Shubman traces patterns on Ishan's arm, his mind buzzing with prediction and nerves.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Ishan asks, his voice soft in the dim light.

"A little," Shubman admits, "But having you here helps. Having you close always helps, Ish"

Ishan smiles squeezing his hand as they meet each other's gaze, quickly pecking one another's lips, "We'll both play our best. No matter what happens, we've got each other."

Shubman leans in, pressing another tender kiss on Ishan's lips, "I love you, Ish."

"I love you too, Shubi," Ishan whispers back, their foreheads touching.

They fall asleep wrapped around each other, their hearts steadying in unison. Tomorrow will be a test, but they'll face it together.

The day of the match dawns bright and clear. The stadium buzzes with excitement as fans fill the seats, the air thick with anticipation. Shubman and Ishan exchange a final, meaningful glance during warm-ups, their silent promise to each other unspoken but understood.

As the match progresses, both teams fight fiercely. Shubman's performance is stellar, he scores runs with precision, his focus unbreakable. Ishan too plays his heart out, determined to give his best.

But as the game nears its end, Gujarat Titans pull ahead. The scoreboard flashes the final result: GT wins by 55 runs. The crowd erupts in cheers, the Titans celebrating their hard-earned victory.

In the midst of the chaos, Shubman searches for Ishan, his keen eyes eventually find him standing on the edge of the field, a bittersweet smile on his face. Shubman makes his way over to him, weaving through the throng of players and staff.

"Ish," Shubman calls out, his voice barely audible over the noise.

Ishan's eyes lighting up at the sight of Shubman who sprinting toward him engulfs him into a hug, both chuckling with a sudden force of it before stabilizing themselves, "You played amazing, Shubi," Ishan says against Shubman's neck, pride evident in his voice.

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