Known Revelation

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February, 2022

"Shubi" Ishan called shoving his gloves into the locker. They had just finished with their practice session and were in the dressing room. His gaze trailed toward Shubman, who he didn't answer, busy with his phone while seated on the bench, a peculiar smile lingering on his lips.

"Shubi," Ishan softly called again, this time looking at him. "Hmmm?" was all he got in response, not even a single glance by the other. Ishan sighed, he was getting used to this, although, he was very much aware that if he really wanted, it would take only a few seconds for Shubman to run behind him like a puppy. Rudely enough, the thought boosted his ego but he was quick to brush it off. Sometimes the bad side really overtakes all of us, isn't that right?

"Are you going to Hardik bhai's party?" asked Ishan, fully turning towards him and slanting against the locker, to which Shubman just shrugged, his eyes not leaving the phone's screen even for a moment.

"Are you going?" Shubman cross-questioned.


"Then why bother asking? Obviously I would go too."

Shubman said, causing Ishan to smile a little which soon faltered observing other's lips spreading way too wide for Ishan to feel comfortable knowing that someone else was making him this giddy.

"What's up? Who is it?" he queried, once again giving in to his curiosity.

"No one," Shubman casually replied.

Okay, weird.

"Shubi, who is it?" Ishan interrogated again, doubt and suspense both exuding into his guts because apparently Sara wasn't free 24/7.

"I have been noticing you for a few days, always on the damn phone in your spare time," he irked before anxiously adding, "Are you talking to someone new?"

He watched the other's expression grow weary.

"Shubman," Ishan warned one last time, and Shubman knew it wasn't playtime anymore, he clicked his tongue, looking up at Ishan, "It's no one significant."

"No, but who is it?" Ishan insisted as Shubman remained silent, maintaining eye-contact, hoping for Ishan to give up.

"Seriously, Shubman? Are you going to lie to me now?" Ishan snapped, their conversation getting interrupted by the beep of a new text.

Ishan without delay snatched the phone from Shubman's hand, catching him off-guard, his sight capturing the glimpse of text.

"Ishan," Shubman screeched, briskly seizing his phone back, his voice lowering to, "What the hell dude," as he cleared the notification.

"Don't 'dude' me, Shubman. Who the hell is this random chick that you've been talking to?!" Ishan glowered as the aforementioned met his gaze and defeatedly sighed, "Just some model back from Newzealand"

"Shubman, have you been cheating on, Sara?" Ishan precised the obvious, horrified and perturbed himself with the possibility. No matter what, Sara didn't deserve it, no one does.

Ishan was aware of Shubman talking to multiple girls, but it was before Sara. The recent revelation had left him completely shocked.

"I'm not cheating on her, we just talk," Shubman defended, causing Ishan to frown more profoundly.

"Oh, really? Her calling your sweaty pic delicious is apparently not 'just talking', Gill."

Ishan pointed out, swiftly adding when Shubman prevailed to be quiet, "Its not done, what happened to 'I love, Sara' and all?"

"I do like her, honestly, I'm not sure about love anymore since all we do is to fight and I am not cheating!" Shubman asserted.

"You and I both know that what you're saying isn't true. You've been caught red handed and you cannot escape. Even if I am your best friend I do not approve of this behaviour, Shubman," Ishan blatantly declared.

"Ishan, I swear I haven't done anything other than talking, and even if I have, why are you getting so pissed about it? Tujhpe thordina cheat kar raha hun," Shubman's own statement made him snicker at the end.

"That sounded so rubbish, like we are actually or something as our delusional shippers believe," his eyes darting back to the phone and fingers commencing to type, shaking his head he muttered, not even caring about the other's presence anymore.

'Kar raha hai', Ishan thought to himself. He wasn't sure which sentence hurt him more, the one suggesting how Shubman thinks the possibility of them being together is rubbish, or the one where he could openly joke about it? Both obstreperously pierced his heart.

Wasn't one girl enough? Sometimes Ishan hated how self centred he could get when it came to Shubman, but somewhere he couldn't ignore the core of his anger which was currently bursting on Shubman. The only apprehension attached to it was: What if he had been in place of Sara? Would Shubman have done the same?

Slamming the locker with his fist, Ishan wheeled around on his feet before storming off as Shubman immediately followed him, exclaiming from behind, "Ish!"

Shubman managed to grab onto Ishan's left shoulder, who was quick to swat his hand away, "Stay away from me!" he snarled while hurriedly ascending his feet.

Hissing and striding his long legs, Shubman clasped onto other's bicep and steered him around as he concernedly gazed at him, "Geez, why would it anger you to an extent to make you walk away from me? I won't even talk to her if it annoys you this much, okay?"

Ishan glumly looked away, as Shubman, cradling his face, manoeuvred him to meet his stare again, "I swear, Ishu, I won't, now please stop sulking," he said, giving him his best puppy eyes. And well, as foolish as it might sound, how could Ishan resist?

Instead of responding in words, he just silently nodded his head as a wide smile made its way to Shubman's lips, dimpling his cheeks before he kissed Ishan's temple and wrapped an arm around him as they continued walking towards their room.

Shubman always had this playboy image which he enjoyed a bit too much. Ishan knew it all ever since he first met him. Shubman had warmed up to him within three to four days, disclosing all his little secrets. Shubman could never stick to just one girl, Ishan had thought Sara would make a difference as it was Shubman's longest and most serious relationship, but he was wrong, the other was wavering again.

Shubman's rake behaviour had never exasperated him as much as it did now, be it because of seeping newly found feelings through his denial, or be it because of his long buried umbrage, he felt resentment filling his every nerve.

Ishan wanted to disregard his infuriation, pretend that his vexation was out of pure sympathy towards Sara. However, the real reason, he hid it from the world and he hid it from himself.

Shubman's saga boy exploits were a known revelation for Ishan. It didn't matter as long as Shubman stayed loyal to him, which was only limited to the category of 'bestfriend'. Once Shubman makes a new best friend, then Ishan might be able to openly convey his discontent. Till then, this has to do.


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