The Thrill of Unknown

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Matches were keeping ICT busy like usual, Shubman and Ishan were back to being normal which was them being attached by the hip all the damn time, they were happy that they have found some common ground because it is impossible to stay away from each other for both of them, however, their fellow mates were even happier to see them back together again. They hated bearing to see sullen faces of the most goofy kids in the team.

Ishan was contented that if nothing less Shubman respected his feelings and didn't let their friendship fall, nothing turned out to be as horrifying as he imagined, which resulted in them living their accustomed life, waking up in each other's arms, playing, practicing, clowning around, bickering, Shubman whining, Ishan giving him glares, them wrestling and then cuddling each other again to sleep.

Although, a tension would mostly surround them whenever they are alone together. Shubman being aware of Ishan's love didn't let everything totally appease to say less. Sometimes Ishan found himself so close to doing something which he shouldn't whenever Shubman gazed at him so profoundly as if beholding something divine, his gaze sometimes would be intense, sometimes admiring, sometimes loving, all in all he stared at Ishan way too much. The only reason why Ishan hated him sometimes, why does he have to make him nervous like that? Especially when he knows what effect it can have on him. Or is it true what Shubman claims?

They were in their room's balcony observing the horizon, a serene night sky cascading all over, nothing could be more peaceful than to aimlessly sight at it, at least for Ishan it is because he isn't sure what Shubman is doing right now.

"Kya kar raha hai?", Ishan interrupted as Shubman's gazing at him came to an abrupt halt, he straightened up when the shorter male met his eyes but he shamelessly stared back, zeal not placating he unawarely enjoyed the tangible shyness creeping up Ishan's nerves as blush adorned his cheeks and ears.

"Do you feel your heart skip when you look at me?", Shubman questioned and Ishan's gaze flicked towards his lips for a second before coming back to his eyes, though it didn't go unnoticed by Shubman, he shouldn't relish it this much.

"Do you like playing?", Ishan cross-questioned instead, watching Shubman furrow his brows, "What do you mean?"

"You know I have feelings for you, obviously I feel my heart skip when I see you", Ishan clarified, a little irked and Shubman slightly shook his head denying the allegation.

"Toh fir kyu baar baar aise sawal poochta rehta hai?", Ishan composedly retorted.

"I'm genuinely curious", Shubman explained.


"So that i could figure out my own feelings as well-", he paused averting his eyes before looking back at Ishan, "My heart also does weird things whenever I look at you"

Despite feeling his own heart rapidly thump Ishan rolled his eyes before concernedly holding Shubman's stare, "Shubman, you don't have to reciprocate my feelings, it's okay, it wouldn't kill me if you don't love me back"

'It would definitely kill him, his love wasn't so fragile as to die before him, this unrequited love shall burn with him in his pyre, will reside in his soul forever', Ishan thought to himself, he would then probably move to the mountains because he loves them and wait till he dies, leaving a note behind for the people to sprinkle his ashes on the hill where his home would lie and when Shubman dies as well his few ashes should be sprinkled over the same place too so they could be finally together-Shubman raised his brow, his gaze interrogating, "Really, Ish? It wouldn't kill you? Because I'm pretty sure that it would kill me, I need you like I need to breath"

Ishan defeatedly looked away, "You should hear yourself sometimes man"

"I do"

"No you don't", Ishan snapped his head at him.

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