Embrace of Solace

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Shubman spends the last few days before departure with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Knowing he will see Ishan soon is the only thought that keeps him going through the strained atmosphere in his house.

The cricket season begins again and Shubman Gill finds himself in a bustling hotel surrounded by teammates and the familiar hum of pre-match preparations. Despite the lively environment, his mind is singularly focused on one thing or to say one precious thing: seeing Ishan Kishan, his beloved. He is running out of patience and has had enough of waiting.

After checking in, Shubman quickly heads to his assigned room, his heart pounding with anticipation. He exchanges hurried greetings with teammates in the hallway but his thoughts are already on the moment he would reunite with Ishan.

"Kaise utawla ho raha hai", Surya Bhai comments from behind with a sneer, being followed by Rahul bhai's chuckle but he totally ignores it, teasing is the last thing he cares about right now.

Finally, standing before room 335, he takes a deep breath and knocks. The door swings open almost immediately, and there stands Ishan, his face lighting up with a radiant smile.

"Shubi", he beams gently in his deep, affectionate voice, melting Shubman till nothing is left within him but the longing to engulf the other.

Before Ishan can say anything else, Shubman shoves him inside, kicking and tossing his luggage aside, closes the door behind them with a quick motion and tackles Ishan onto the bed, making the other chuckle heartily as he urgently wraps his arms around the shorter male in a tight embrace, burying his face in his love's shoulder, inhaling the familiar, calming fragnance, the tranquility cloaking him inside out.

"I missed you so much", Shubman whispers, his voice breaking slightly as he holds Ishan as tightly as he can and nuzzles into his neck, planting the feather like kisses.

"I missed you too, Shubi" Ishan delicately murmurs, his arms enclosing around Shubman just as compactly as he kisses his hair and temple, holding him close as if he would never let him go. They stay like that for a long moment, just holding each other quietly, feeling the closeness they had been yearning for. Shubman can hear Ishan's heartbeat, a rhythmic thudding, so soothing to the ears, makes him feel alive, he softly kisses Ishan's pulse at the neck, then trails the kisses to his chin before finally connecting their lips in a slow, passionate kiss, pouring all his yearning and love into it.

Lips moving in synchronisation, with a sound of one last smooch, their damp lips part as Shubman pulls back slightly to look at Ishan, his gaze so profound yet so innocent, so drunken, screaming love, almost makes Ishan shy away.

"I couldn't wait to see you" Shubman expresses, his voice barely above a whisper, his umber orbs gleaming with pure emotions.

Ishan blushes, cupping Shubman's face and caresses his cheekbones, his own cheeks tinging rosy when Shubman covers his hand and kisses his palm, nestling into it, all while maintaining the eye contact with him, Ishan's heart skips a beat and he somehow manages to keep himself composed. This boy.

"I know, me too," Ishan responds, gently brushing a strand of hair from Shubman's forehead, "How are you holding up?"

Shubman sighs, his face softening even more as he gazes at Ishan, "Better now that I'm with you," he admits, his voice filled with relief.

"Agar mai thordi der tujhse aur nahi milta toh shayad main mar jaata, mera dil bhot dukh raha tha", he adds and Ishan scrunches his nose at the excessiveness but adorableness. Shubman's eyes immediately converting to puppy one's, wide and glinting, he screeches in disbelief, "Tujhe yakeen nahi hai?"

Ishan, cupping Shubman's face more securely, shakes his head as a no in his defence and parts his mouth to say something but Shubman cuts him off by taking his hand and placing it on his chest, his eyes glistening, emitting purity, face scrunched in sentiments as he speaks up, "Do you hear this, Ish?"

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