Unyielding Hearts

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It has been a whole day since his mother has not talked to him, he intentionally didn't even go down for dinner.

Hell he doesn't even feel like crying anymore, tears aren't emerging in his eyes, though his chest still feels heavy, his heart hasn't stopped shedding tears. How come the woman who gave birth to him isn't accepting him? If he's being honest he anticipated it considering the conventional background they come from, but it's not like they haven't broken conventional barriers in these last few years, him becoming a successful cricket is the biggest example, everyone eventually accepts everything if your parents are supportive of it. Why did this have to happen? He was anything but ready yet.

Heartbroken and shattered by accidentally occurred tragedy, he dials up Ishan's number while dejectedly sitting on his bed, finally being able to muster the courage to tell because apparently Ishan has been trying to contact him ever since this afternoon.

Ishan picks up after the first ring, "Shubi, omg, where have you been?", Ishan stresses, expressing his concern and just by hearing his voice Shubman feels like bawling his out again, he swallows thickly as his heart wells up.

"Shubi.... Shubman, What's up? Are you okay?"

Emotions surging, even though the tears don't materialise, his voice choking in his throat Shubman sniffles rubbing his face, presses his palm on his burning eye.

"Shubi...., baby you're getting me so concerned", Ishan worrying emphasises and Shubman sighs, his eyes closed, "Yaar....Ish...", his voice trails off, his heart crying as he sniffles again.

Ishan on the other side, anxious and afraid, gently stirs, "What? Baby just say it."

Taking a deep breath, Shubman opens his tired eyes, his arms hugging his knees, as he absently gazes at the wall across, trying to form the words before finally revealing, "Ishan-Mummy ko sab pta chal gya yaar humare baare mein."

A silence falls over, Ishan clasps a hand over his mouth, flopping down at the edge of bed, eyes widened as he tries to process it before his hand flies away and he shrieks, "What?!"

Shubman's gaze grows more troubled as he hugs his knees tighter, tensed, "I am sorry, i didn't mean for it to happen, I was telling Shahneel about it and She overhead our conversation."

"Shit", Ishan curses, his heart racing as worry engulfs him.

"I am sorry", Shubman whimpers.

"It's okay, damn, I can only imagine how you must be dealing with this because by your voice I can tell that she didn't take it well", Ishan empathises, feeling like crying himself.

"Thanks, Ish. She says she won't tell papa, I hope she doesn't because I don't think I can face him yet out of all people", the younger utters, his voice small and despondent.

A quietness stretches for a while, thoughts coursing through Ishan's mind, "So, What are we going to do now?"

"What do you mean?", Shubman frowns.

Ishan clicks his tongue, hesitant to speak his mind out while his heart to do so, "Now that your mother knows, you know this how consequences will make you feel like. Are you having second thoughts about our relationship?"

"Not at all, Ish, Why would you say that to me?!" Shubman screeches, his face scrunched up as he drops flat on the bed, buries his face into the pillow and immediately begins to bawl his eyes out.

That does makes him cry.

Ishan panics, knowing he has pressed the wrong button, "Shubi-I-omg-I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

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