The most selfless boy ever

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Shubman squirmed out of his sleep due to the bright sunrays descending on his face. Squinting his eyes open, he blocked the acute light with his hand before scanning the room.

Last night's memories flashing, he remembered stumbling into the hotel room. After crying for a good twenty minutes in an alleyway, when he went back into the club, Hardik Bhai informed him that Ishan had already left. However, he didn't find him once reaching their shared room, mind being too hazy to think and the headache killing him, he ended up falling on the bed and drowsing off to sleep. Now here he was with the worst hangover.

Massaging his temples, he managed to get up and freshen up before skipping down to join everyone at breakfast, finally spotting Ishan, who might have crashed in someone else's room yesterday. Their gazes locked for a few seconds, however, Ishan was the first one to break it when Shubman took a seat right across from him.

He hated every second of Ishan ignoring him.

"Tum dono saath kyu nahi beth rahe ho re, kya hua? Ladai hogyi kya?" they heard Jaddu bhai snickering, but neither of them volunteered to answer as they continued being busy with their breakfast.

"Unki ladai kuch hi der ki hoti hai, Jaddu bhai, thordi hi der mein dekhna dono aapas mein chipke honge," Sky remarked as everyone laughed, but not a slight change in expressions made its way to their faces.

Shubman's eyes flicked towards Ishan twice or thrice, nevertheless, Ishan didn't spare him a single glance, too immersed in taking small bites and conversing with Rohit Bhai in between.

An awkward tension kept them surrounded throughout breakfast, albeit, luckily enough, hustle and bustle of the dining area kept it somewhat obscured. They didn't want to be teased by their brothers anymore. It would only be like adding fuel to the fire.

Once done with breakfast, Shubman silently skimmed upstairs to his room. They were leaving today, and he still hadn't packed his luggage. He didn't seem to have the energy, though.

Fitting the clothes and other necessities into his suitcase, he slid it off to the side and lethargically sat down on the edge of the bed.

The click of the door opening seized his attention as he looked up, only to find Ishan stepping in

Ishan, glancing at him, was quick to look away as he closed the door behind himself. Shubman watched him proceed to the shelf's drawer and take out some essentials, knowing it was also an excuse to avoid him. Or why else would he need to unnecessarily clink the lighter on and off at 12:30 in the afternoon.

"Ishan we need to talk," he eventually broke the silence, as Ishan, halting his fingers took a deep breath, keeping the lighter down and turning around, he granted him a bored stare before moving forward to sit beside him as a signal for Shubman to carry on.

Shubman didn't expect him to agree so fast. Straightening up a little, he tried to form the words, "Tu nahi chal raha kya saath?" he ended up asking innocently.

Ishan furrowed his brows, albeit, responded, "Kyu nahi chalunga?"

Shubman: "Toh fir luggage kyu nahi bandha tune?"

Ishan turned his head to the left. Shubman, pursuing his gaze found a suitcase and a backpack settled beside the couch which he didn't seem to notice earlier. Ishan looked back at him, watching Shubman's mouth form a relieved "oh."

Ishan's guise remained constant, his stare as scrutinizing as ever.
Shubman's shoulders dejectedly slouched down and eyes turned low.

Ishan: "Bss? Yehi baat thi?"

Shubman only shook his head in response. Ishan swore he almost melted but swiftly collected himself, giving his self-respect some priority.

Ishan sighed, acting tough, "Mat bol fir, mai jaa raha."

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