Kisses, Touches and Giggles

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Shubman is pretty sure that he is going insane because he contemplates that it is humanly impossible to feel so adrenalized all the damn time, his heart has probably been impaired that it can't slow down even for a bit, and even if it somehow does, only one thought is enough to accelerate it anew. Moreover, it is unattainable to stay poise when the very subject of his mania is around him 24/7.

Currently just one touch from Ishan could get him to feel electrified for the whole day, just one smile from him from afar or an eye contact for a minuscule second could erupt a million butterflies in his stomach. He feels like a teenage boy with a crush.

The took his breath away, it literally did. He wasn't the same person when their lips connected, he had never experienced anything like that before. Who would have thought kissing your best friend could be such a heavenly experience?

Bestfriend? Shubman's heart canvassed. Best friends don't kiss each other, not on the lips. They definitely crossed boundaries yesterday, yesterday actions surpassed the words, but does he regret it? No he doesn't, not at all, the kiss felt so right, it fulfilled him like he has been deprived of it since ages and why shouldn't it feel right, its Ishan, there can be no one perfect than Ishan for him in any way.

A smile beams on his lips when Ishan again meets his eyes from across the ground while talking to Rohit bhai, Shubman flushes yet once again, heartbeats losing the rhythm.

Yesterday they got punished for being late, ran 50 laps after a vigorous practice session, thanks to Virat bhai for convincing Rohit bhai to cut them some slack. Both were wasted and once reaching their room slept like a log, tension between them long forgotten because despite everything, at the end of day, each day, they are one another's comfort place, nothing and no one could change or replace that.

However, Shubman's shyness immediately returned as the morning arrived, he might have pretended to sleep until Ishan left the room and Ishan too might have sensed his deceit but purposely didn't bother him, because what if the boy explodes due to all the redness he manages to acquire whenever Ishan goes close to him? Who's gonna pay such a big price?

Ishan didn't know that Shubman would become such a baby after just one kiss, all it took was one kiss to reduce him into a shy mess, he couldn't recognise this sheepish, bashful boy, howbeit, he can't resist the adoration which pervades within him. He found himself chuckling inwardly whenever the thought striked him.

Meanwhile, Shubman, oh boy, he should probably tape his lips, because they aren't remaining still, persistent to smile, his jaw hurts. Ishan's sight keeps filling him with giddy, he feels so silly, he might fly anytime soon, he catches Surya Bhai staring at him quite often but he can't stop, or to say, 'they' can't stop, both smiling into each other's eyes, exchanging glances, subtle touches, foolish hearts.

All in all both are on cloud nine, but there's so much they have to talk about right now.

Shubman once again wonders what could be this feeling, he knows his love is burgeoning, albeit, should he declare it to be full fledge now?

How exactly does love feel like? Is it like this? Or what he presently feels is a pure buzz of unknown antics he never performed before?

Suddenly he recalls what Ishan told him

'You think about them non-stop' (✓)

'Your heartbeats lose the rhythm when you see them' (✓)

'You feel the world blurring into the background when you see them, time slows down for you in their proximity' (✓)

'And you blush unknowingly when you think about them' (✓)

'Even one single glance of them makes you so giddy that you feel you're full till the throat' (✓)

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