"Have you ever been in love?"

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Seasons went by and matches kept Team India busy as always. Each player wanted to give their best performance. New Zealand's November tour was nothing different, though the weather wasn't very much in the game's favour.

Shubman was differently pumped up to prove his skills. Rejection from the T20 World Cup 2022 had left him a bit dejected, but as motivated as ever.

Ishan puffed out, making his way to the sidelines after finishing his turn as a small practice session was going on. The bustle of the other side grew faint along with his ascending feet as he sat down, catching his breath and hugging his knees while observing other players. A cool breeze gently caressing his face and the smell of soft grass invading his nose, calmed him down. The cloudy evening sky indicated the weather could change anytime.

Soon, Ishan watched Shubman approach, finishing his turn too, the other flopped himself down on his elbows beside Ishan.

Eyes stuck to Shubman's panting, sweaty figure, Ishan passed him a towel which Shubman used to wipe his face and neck before purposely tossing it over Ishan, "Tsk, the fuck, Shubi, gross," Ishan repulsed, chucking the towel off with his nose scrunched while Shubman only guffawed.

"T-shirt hatake paseena chatega?" he said unhinged, momentarily ceasing his laughter, a wide grin lingering on his face.

Ishan frowned, the tint of red blooming profound on his cheeks and ears, "Pagal wagal hai kya?"

Ishan looked away from the laughing Shubman, who shortly sat up straight, enwrapping his arms around his knees as both gazed at the horizon in peaceful silence.

"Why did Sara unfollow you all of a sudden? Firse ladai hogyi kya?" Ishan nonchalantly inquired, looking at Shubman, who met his eyes, a broad  smile spreading on his lips dimpling his cheeks.

"Stalker much?" he winked as Ishan gave him a plain look, "It's all over the internet, Shubi."

Shubman's smile faltered as he averted his gaze in front before fixing it on Ishan again and revealing, "We are not together anymore."

"What?! You guys broke up? When?"

"She broke up with me a few days ago, and that too over a text, like we are some highschool kids," Shubman clarified, putting emphasis on 'she' and Ishan seemed shocked, "But why?"

"Apparently, she thinks I cheated on her," Shubman sighed.

"Did you?" Ishan asked, studying other's expressions which immediately converted, evincing disbelief.

"No I didn't, Ish. I would never do that," Shubman asserted before softening his tone a bit, "Yes I did reply to a few DMs, but no, I didn't really 'cheat cheat' on her. I have no idea what made her think that."

"Well, your following list might have given it away. You're following multiple models, which wasn't going to help your already falling relationship," Ishan stated.

"You do stalk me," Shubman grinned amusingly, mirth filling his eyes as Ishan sighed, shaking his head, "Talking to other girls while being in a relationship is also cheating, Shubi. Whether you accept it or not, you did cheat on her."

"How is it cheating if I just talk to them without any ulterior intentions?" Shubman queried, genuinely confused as Ishan took a deep breath at the obtuseness of his best friend. Was the guy really that clueless?

"But you were aware why they were talking to you, right?"


"Because they find you hot and definitely have ulterior intentions."

Shubman grinned triumphantly, "What about you? Do you find me hot too, baby?" he husked, nearing his face to Ishan, who rolled his eyes pushing him away.

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