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A/N :

Hey there Mochis! Welcome to a new Yoonmin story! I'll be honest really! I had thought keeping "My Beloved Surrogate" as my one and only story. I had told myself that I won't write any other stories. As I have always said I'm not a writer. The real reason for my writing "My Beloved Surrogate" was that a very close, very special someone told me that they really wished there was a surrogate mother type story for Yoonmin. They never found any. So one evening Idk what struck my mind I just opened Wattpad ( which I only used to read ffs) and for the first time tapped on 'write a story'. I didn't know what I was doing but I just tapped and then started randomly typing. And that was the result. I even hesitated for Idk..maybe few days before hitting the 'publish'. But then I really seriously didn't expect you all to actually like the story. And of course that person also liked it. They thanked me a lot for writing it. I'm glad. So enough bullshitting! Here I'm back with another ym story ~scratches back of the head with a nervous chuckle~ Anyways I really hope you guys read the DESCRIPTION PART before coming here! I'll repeat it again

This story will involve Prostitution! And will have very frequent discriptions of explicit sex. And if you feel really bothered by this then kindly don't read it. I don't want stupid, negative comments, about me, my story or the characters. However if you have your own opinions ( positive ones) about the story, any curiosity, or any confusion then you're always welcome to ask and comment. I hope I'll get responses from you guys like my first story.





|| Author's P. O. V ||

The night view of Seoul is something worth watching. With all the lights and such, the whole city looks like a paradise. Yes, a paradise. Yet a DARK one. As much as it looks absolutely beautiful and euphoric from the outside, it's dark alleys and underground places are something reverse to that. There's drug, killing, rape and hundreds of other such crimes. Well that's a whole different world to say. But one thing that is very common in that dark world and the normal world where people like us live is Brothels. Brothels... what's so special about Brothels anyways? Everyone knows what that place is and what happens there. People, generally termed as 'Sex Workers' sell exotic service to their 'customers'. That was all. Yet, perhaps it is the only place where it doesn't matter from which world of the two you are. After all there's no difference between a person from the underworld and the normal world going to such place as both of them go there for one singular reason. That is to satisfy their sexual desires. Seoul has many brothels. Exotic, luxurious ones which provided workers who offered services to their numerous 'loyal' customers who always come there. One such brothel was "Moonflower". It was a relatively smaller one than other grand brothels in Seoul . Not extremely big and hi-fi. Yet it was not very shitty either. Well according to the customers, it gave good service. And indeed it did. But one thing about Moonflower was different from other brothels. It had both male and female sex workers. Odd but true. There were few other male sex workers too but normally most were ones with only females. Moonflower was the only one that had both sexes. Therefore it also had more customers than the other ones.

Park Jimin.

Park Jimin was one of the workers in Moonflower unlike other workers he also made his both ends meet by giving a good service to his customers. There's nothing special about Park Jimin at all. Apart from his wild skills in sex. Such skills that can turn a straight man into gay and the gay even more gay. Perhaps that was the only reason he had the most number of customers. Jimin didn't mind taking multiple men one after another. It was his profession after all. Yet he never chose to be other's slave. Instead he enjoyed making his customers beg. They were nothing more than dogs anyways. Mad dogs having ugly desires of thrashing their ugly dicks for their pleasure and nothing else. And Jimin treated them as dogs.

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