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||Author's P. O. V ||

It's been few days. Days were passing usually. And Jimin was surprised as his silent customer was visiting him everyday. Yet, Jimin felt his life being a lil different. Nowadays he doesn't know why but he unconsciously waits for that specific hour when a certain silent anonymous cat-eyed customer comes to him for his service. And even tho they do the same thing in that room what other customers do, Jimin somehow has started to feel it's different. This man was different. He never reminded Jimin of a filthy, ugly dog. Of course the only thing they do there is having sex. But still it feels different. His touch feels different to Jimin. It's always gentle. Even while having sex or after it Jimin always finds his lil touches, lil actions sweet. His playing with his hip chain, caressing his waist, combing Jimin's hair, those kisses, always being cautious about not hurting Jimin...all these things make Jimin feel like they're not merely fucking but more than that. He feels loved. Which he has never felt with any of his customers. Not a single time in his whole career. And Jimin loves it. His coming, that period of time that they spend together... it has become the most important thing to Jimin now. In this lonely life stuck in those four walls where men come and go everyday and Jimin, like an emotion-deprived object, has to fulfill their desires, this certain stranger had become something special to him. Jimin won't say that he fell for the man or he thinks of him as his lover or anything because he remembers clearly that in this line of work emotions has no value. Being a prostitute if you fall in love then it'll only hurt you and nothing else. So he doesn't know if he can call it love but he knows one thing clearly he really likes how the man treats him different. And perhaps this is the only reason that without knowing his name or anything, Jimin always eagerly waits for his visit. All the others things happening throughout the day and evening doesn't bother Jimin so much now. His mind is always stuck to his cat-eyed customer.

"Hey Jimin-ah ~~" Taehyung came to the room, "where are you?" "Here" Jimin's voice came from the washroom. Taehyung went there and peeked inside, "What are you doing?" "Shaving" Jimin said without looking. "Shaving... you're shaving your legs?.. didn't we do it just few days ago?" Taehyung said confused. "We did. But am doing it again and not only legs. Everything" Taehyung blinked his eyes, "What do you mean by 'everything'?" "Everything means everything!" "But why?" "You'll know soon wait". Even tho they always shave, Jimin was making sure he was completely clear. After finishing he came out. Taehyung was sitting on the bed sipping strawberry juice. "Want some?" He asked. "Nope am fine. Anyways ..how does my skin look?" Jimin said exposing his body from under the bathrobe. "Clean, smooth, shiny and sexy af" Taehyung said in a 'Bitch it's a fact' tone. "So what's your plan?" Jimin smiled then took out a box. "How's this?" He said opening the box.

[ A/N : He was showing it by holding each piece of cloth in hands ok!🐇]____________________________

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[ A/N : He was showing it by holding each piece of cloth in hands ok!🐇]

Taehyung choked on his drink. He looked at his friend with wide eyes, "C-cat ears?!!" "Yup! He reminds me of a cat so I thought of dressing up as a kitty" Jimin said with slightly tinted cheeks. He somehow found all this a lil childish and way too girly but for some days he was fantasizing something like this. He was thinking about the man when Taehyung broke his daydream. "Cat? You mean your .. Mr. Silent? With cat-like eyes?" "Yes.." Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "You want to play kitty-kitty with him?" Jimin blushed, "What ?...I thought..I mean .. wouldn't it be a lil different? ..a theme..the sex will be interesting.. right? ..I was thinking that" Taehyung squinted his eyes, "Is that so? Only for the sex?" Jimin first looked around a lil then sighed, "I think he likes it. I mean when I wear things like these...you remember that party clothes. Top and mini skirt with fishnets? ..I wore that and ..gosh ..I loved it when he ripped the fishnets and groped my ass...it was so ..hot.. that's why I was thinking of wearing this kitty outfit. I found it online..." Taehyung coughed a lil, "Ok..that was wild..a lil...well..hm..I see. So that's why you were shaving and making your skin glow and all that.." Jimin nodded. "You want him to wreck you real bad, don't you?" Taehyung said smirking. Jimin cleared his throat a lil, "Umm... y-yeah..ngl I love having sex with him" "I can see that" "Shut up..and tell me how's it? There was a black one too but ...I picked pink" "It's fantastic. It's fine...and black ...bruhh pink is better. You'll look cute and sexy at the same time. Oh btw isn't there any tail?~~" Taehyung said licking his upper teeth. "Bitch! No! There's no tail.." Jimin said flustered. Why was he being flustered? It's nothing new for them to have such conversations. But somehow imagining all these things and about the man was making Jimin's face heat up. Taehyung laughed, "Chill. I'm sure dude will have the best night of his life. Oh ..you can use some scented candles! I have a bunch of them! Koo loves them. We use it a lot. It really really makes the sex 10× better! You should definitely use it!" Taehyung said excitedly. "Uhhh..ok?..but like which one? Idk anything about it. Suggest" Jimin said. "Hmm..well.." Taehyung thought for some seconds then looked at Jimin and the outfit. "Well to turn on men and make the whole room set for mood you can use the Sandalwood one and Jasmine scented candles. It's really Intensive and arousing. And for you and your darling customer to have a great time feeling eachother I'd suggest you to use the massage oil candle. DEFINITELY!!" Taehyung said hitting his fist on his thigh. "Massage oil candle? What's that?" "Gosh.... massage oil candle is something..you see it comes in a form of a candle. You lit it up then gradually it melts into a massage oil. Well then you see... you can use the oil. Like for massage or many 'other' things.. it feels like heaven Jimin. I'm telling you. It's a pure bliss" Taehyung said remembering his and Jungkook's wild nights. "Oh..w-wow..I see. Ok lend me some of them then" "Great!! I'm coming back with them!" Taehyung said hurriedly leaving the room.

• • •

"Here! These are sandalwood and Jasmine scented and this big one is the massage oil one. And no tension it lasts for looong!! Make sure to use the oil!! It feels just awesome! And also works as an excellent lube too you'll feel dizzy in pleasure having the oil-coated dick moving inside you" Taehyung said making Jimin gulp, "O-okay okay..I understand. Stop saying everything so candidly.." Taehyung laughed, "Anyways! Place these in the best place in the room to set the mood before he comes!" Jimin nodded, "Hm.. there's still time for him to come. I'll do it later"

*Knock* *Knock*

"Jimin you got a customer!"

"Okay gotta go now bye~~" Taehyung said waving him goodbye after leaving the candles on the dressing table and left.

"Get in" Jimin said sliding the bathrobe from his body as the man went to the bed taking off his clothes.

~Time Skip~

" Fucking Motherfucker! Son of a bitch!" Jimin cursed under his breath raging in fury as he sat in front of the mirror after taking a thorough shower. He applied medicine on his neck and collar bone. They were full of scorching bite marks. Jimin hissed at it burnt furiously. That customer was a totally fucked up one. He was unbelievably rough and created a great deal of trouble to Jimin. He bit Jimin harshly all over his neck making him scream in pain. He squirmed but unfortunately he was like a frail deer in front of that gorilla-like customer. That one hour seemed an eternal torture to Jimin. He brushed his fingers on his throat. There were red fingerprints due to choking. Another trail of cursing came out of him mouth. He tried to apply concealer all over his neck and collar bone area to hide the marks and make his skin clear but it didn't quite help that much. He sighed and looked at the clock. There was some minutes left before he came. Jimin hurriedly left the dressing table to put the candles on the side table beside the bed . He lit them up and went to the dressing table to for his make over. Within few minutes the sweet, rich, sensual fragrance of the candles filled the room. Damn! Taehyung was absolutely right! Jimin already felt so aroused. He quickly got ready and put on the clothes. He blushed hard placing his both palms on his mouth in embarrassment after putting on the cat ears. But Taehyung was right.. again. He looked cute and sexy at the same time. Well it was a fact! He turned around and lifted the skirt up revealing a pink laced lingerie. He stood straight heaving a sigh. He doesn't know why he was doing all these...but his mind was just telling him to wear these clothes, those lingeries...he watched in some videos how men's hands roamed on women's body in a sexy way, and how they strip them off of those lace panties before pleasuring each other. He found those things so wild and sexy. He really wanted to try it. And especially with his anonymous cat-eyed customer. Gosh he was really nervous. Jimin...Park Jimin was NeRvOuS!! For the first time.

"Hey Jiminie!"

That's it! His heart raced inside his ribcage. He quickly put down the cat ears on the dressing table and put on the bathrobe then went to the door. He opened it with shaky fingers. There he stood. But ...wait... somethings different. Jimin held his hand softly and pulled him inside.

"Y-you..c-cut your hair?!"


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