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|| Author's P. O. V ||

It's been few weeks. Days were passing by usually. There was nothing new. Jimin's days were as usual but his nights had changed a lot. In a positive way of course. He liked his nights better than the daytime. And every night he'd find himself sitting on the bed eagerly waiting for his one and only darling customer.

"Nooooo~" Taehyung whined flopping down on the mattress with a huge pout. Jimin and others laughed. The group was currently sitting down on a mattress and playing Ludo. They had just finished their lunch and Taehyung suggested that they should play Ludo together to kill some time. Now he was losing again and again. "Oh c'mon Taehyung it's just a game. Stop sulking and get up" Felix said spanking Taehyung's butt lightly making him groan. "It's a shit game" Taehyung grumbled. "Why? You were the one who wanted to play" Lee said chuckling. "C'mon Tae get up. Maybe next time you'll win" Jimin said shaking Taehyung by his shoulder. Taehyung mumbled incoherent words under his breath and got up.

• • •

"That's it!!!" He cried out then threw himself on the mattress once again. Others roared with laughter. He lost for the 4th time. "Oh my God..how are you so good at losing?" Woozi said laughing. "Shut up" Taehyung's muffled voice was heard making them laugh more. Taehyung immediately sat up straight throwing them a glare, "I swear if you keep laughing.." "Then? What will you do?" Felix said. "Oh I know. He'll call his boyfriend and complain about us" Lee said making others laugh more. Taehyung glared at them frowning his eyebrows, "Why do you always have to drag him into everything?" "It's fun. Seeing your reaction" Woozi said. "Bitch. Leave my boyfriend alone. And I don't wanna play this shit anymore!" He said flipping the board aside. Others sighed. "Ok fine. Btw it was fun" Felix said. "Yeah..but what will we do now?" Jimin said placing his both hands behind himself on the mattress. "Idk.." Lee shrugged. "How about 'Truth and Dare'?" Woozi said. Everyone groaned. 'Truth and Dare' was a clear 'no'. That game was absolutely ridiculous. Last time they played Felix was asked to give Jimin a lap dance. It was funny but also gross. So no they didn't quite seemed to like the idea of playing 'Truth and Dare'. They were thinking that's when J-hope entered the room. They all turned towards him. "Hey hyung~~" Taehyung said. "Hi there" J-hope mumbled sitting down on the couch. They all got up and surrounded him. J-hope closed his eyes for few seconds resting his head on the couch. "Hyungie looks tired" Felix said sitting on J-hope's thigh. He gently carded his fingers into J-hope's hair. J-hope hummed feeling relaxed. "What happened hyung?" Jimin said. J-hope sighed, "Nothing much. Am just tired" he said caressing Felix's waist softly. "What are you guys doing?" "Oh nothing we were just playing games" Lee said. "Taehyung lost 4 times" Woozi said earning a slap on the shoulder by Taehyung. Others including J-hope chuckled. "Hyung are you really ok? You look tired but more than that.." Jimin said but couldn't find more words to exactly describe what he felt. J-hope gave him a small smile, "Hahh..ok .. can't lie to you guys. I'm actually kinda pent up. I mean ..many things are going on and am hella tired but more than that am pent up" he said closing his eyes and heaving a long sigh. The boys looked at each other. "Hyung ...want some help?" Taehyung said quietly. "It's... it's kinda embarrassing.." J-hope said smiling. Woozi sat down on the other side of J-hope, "What's embarrassing about it hyung? You run this whole brothel. We're here for helping others with that. It's natural if you feel pent up. There's nothing embarrassing about it. You look after all of us. Let us help you too hyung" he said leaning closer to J-hope and giving him a peck on the cheek. J-hope chuckled and brought his right hand on Woozi's nape caressing it. Woozi closed his eyes and let out a small 'hm'. On the other side Felix rubbed his hand on J-hope's inner thigh then buried his face into J-hope's neck and left wet kisses all over. J-hope let out a breathy moan. Jimin, Taehyung and Lee took a seat and watched the scene in front of them. Each of them was reminded of their first time in 'Moonflower'. After all they all had slept with their hyung for once. It was their hyung who taught them the art of sex. They saw Woozi getting down on his knees in front of their hyung. Also J-hope brushing his thumb over Woozi's thin glossy lips before spreading his thighs wide. Woozi pulled his zip down and took out his cock strocking it gently before taking it in his mouth. Meanwhile Felix left J-hope's neck and connected his lips with their hyung's. Both kissed messily while Woozi continued with his blowjob. Soon Felix's moaning was heard as J-hope slid his hands into his shorts and started rubbing his fingers on his rim. J-hope pushed his fingers inside stretching the tight rim. Felix moaned clutching on J-hope's shirt as well as clenching around his finger. on the other side J-hope caressed Woozi's hair as he sucked his cock holding J-hope's both thighs tightly. "Mmh~ you guys are doing so good. My pretty dolls. I'm proud of you" J-hope said panting a lil. "Ah..mmh.. oh ~ h-hyung ~ hyung~~" Felix moaned. "What is it baby?" "Hyung .. i-in-side..want you..mmhh!!~" "Be patient. Let him finish then you'll get it" he said pushing his fingers deeper into the hole rubbing Felix's inner walls. Felix moaned out curling his toes. After few more seconds Woozi moaned softly as J-hope released in his mouth filling his lil mouth with his hot juices. Woozi gulped it while the remaining portion dripped from his mouth trickling down his chin. J-hope cleaned it with his thumb. "You did good. You made hyung feel so good" he praised rubbing his cum on Woozi's soft lips with his thumb. Woozi hummed with his eyes closed and sucked his hyung's thumb. Felix let out a whiny moan craving for his hyung's attention. J-hope kissed his lips gently. "Take it" he whispered pulling his fingers out making Felix whine a lil but then Felix immediately climbed up to his hyung's lap straddling him on the couch. J-hope immediately unbuttoned his pants pulling them down along with his boxers a lil while Felix undressed himself. He positioned himself and then pushed the cock inside his hole moaning loudly as his hyung's shaft stretched his insides. The three young boys watched as their companions made their hyung feel good and how their hyung fucked both of them one by one making them a moaning mess while playing with their nipples and sucking their lips.

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