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A/N :




Thanks a lot for waiting for so long. This whole month...Istg it was total shit !..so many things all together! My mom's not home for so many days, then my exams, food issues ( I can cook for myself but I couldn't because I had to study for exams ) and on top of that my old man 💀💀💀!


I'm back now!

My final exams are all done 😭🎉! Today was the last exam. I just returned few minutes ago. Finally tata bye bye college life!

And about my dad....🙂...well..he was discharged from the hospital but then again yesterday I had to admit him

•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

Life sucks....

Whatever, ~ long sigh ~ finally I'll be able to update now. Thanks a lot all of you who understood my situation and wished luck for my exams. My exams went well ^^ [ For anyone who's curious today's paper was "Science Fiction and Detective Literature" ( horrible shit but I did it)!

I just gave a quick notice as soon as possible cause you all were waiting for soooo long ...and I saw some amaJIN comments too 😂😭..thanks a lot.

That was it! Stay tuned. I'll update soon!

See ya🐇💜

Oh btw

After exam I spent a lil time with my friend! And she gifted me this super cute Yoongi ring-chain

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After exam I spent a lil time with my friend! And she gifted me this super cute Yoongi ring-chain. 🥺 I didn't expect anything like this! It enlightened my whole mood. Thanks a lot once again Dims! 💜✨

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