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|| Author's P. O. V ||

~Next Morning ~

*Knock knock*

"Oh.. it's open! Hey Jimin!! I heard he came!! ..... Jimin?" Taehyung said excitedly entering the room but then frowned looking at his friend who sat on the bed staring blankly at the empty wall. Only a thin white blanket covered Jimin's lower portion. After last night's conversation Jimin couldn't sleep at all. He just spent the entire night looking at the wall. "Hey ... what happened?" Taehyung asked sitting beside him. Jimin just lightly shook his head. "Now. .. don't give me that .. something is definitely not ok. Say it!" Jimin let out a shaky breath, "Did Jungkook came last night?" He asked but the words came out as a mere whisper. Taehyung tilted his head, "Jungkook?...well... yeah he did. But he always comes...you know it why are you asking?" Jimin smiled a lil, "Right...he always comes. Your love pulls him here... Maybe.." he finally turned towards Taehyung with glossy eyes, "maybe ...my love wasn't strong enough..." He whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Hey ..Jimin hey ... what's wrong?! ..." Taehyung said immediately wiping the tears with his thumbs. Jimin finally bursted into tears holding Taehyung's hands as his shoulders trembled while crying, "He came ..h-he came Tae. ...but ...but...for the last time..t-that was it ..h-he won't come again..." "Jimin..Jimin! Wait  wait. Shh first calm down and tell me everything. I can't understand" Taehyung said holding his shoulders firmly.

•        •         •

"He said that? .. that he won't come again?" Jimin nodded. "You sure?..maybe he--" "He clearly said that" Taehyung sighed, "And. ..he really didn't say anything after you confessed to him?" Jimin shook his head. Taehyung remained silent. "I ..." Jimin bit his lip, "I was finally trying to be the past me..but ..then he came ...and when I was again happy to be in his arms ....he left. He left me . ...and this time completely. This time...he really came just to fuck me" Taehyung looked at his friend sadly. He was finding words to comfort his friend. That's when he heard Jimin chuckle softly. He looked at him. "What am I saying?... I'm not supposed to say such things. 'Came just to fuck'. .. obviously... that's what this place is for. Why the fuck am I crying over something so stupid like this?! ...I shouldn't... after all. .. I'm just a whore" "Jimin--" "Yes .. that's what I am...a prostitute... there's no such thing as 'love' in our world. It's stupid" "Jimin listen---" "It's a curse" ~ silence ~ "This life... it's a curse....I ..I wish I had never met him. I had no guilt spreading my legs for men ...but ... after he came... after that...I ...I can't..I can't Tae! I feel ..like I've given my everything to him ...only him. I feel sick when other men touch me.... He did this! He made me like this! Now how will I do it?! How will I sleep with other men when my heart always craves for him even when he left me?! ...If only...if only I ...I wish for once....if I could lead a normal life..then my feelings would have mattered maybe...if only I was not a whore...Why....w-why..." Taehyung immediately pulled him into a tight hug, "I -- I love him .. Tae...I LOVE HIM!! ..what should I do..what do I do with these feelings?!..I want him... Tae..I want him" Jimin cried vulnerablly gripping Taehyung's t-shirt tightly as Taehyung drew soothing circles on his back.

~After Few Hours~

"When Taehyung called me I got so scared. I thought you've fallen ill or something" J-hope said placing a glass of bubble tea in front of Jimin. They were in J-hope's office. "Can I have a drink instead?" Jimin said quietly. J-hope looked at him, "Drink? At morning?" "Yes ..make me one..." "Well...ok" J-hope said then got to the counter to make a drink for Jimin. He was making it then after few seconds he felt two arms around his waist. Jimin had hugged him from behind. "You have to wait a bit" "I can't..." Jimin whispered. "I'm making it" "Faster.." "Unhn.." "I want it raw ..." Jimin said playing with J-hope's shirt buttons. J-hope chuckled, "You're really talking about the drink right?..well as you wish doll ..but wait a bit .." "Hmm" Finally J-hope sighed and held Jimin's hands. Few buttons of his shirt were undone. "Jimin .. what happened?" ~silence~ "I think it's better for you to drink that bubble tea" he held Jimin's hand and made him sit on the sofa before handing him the bubble tea. "come on..." He said when Jimin sat there quietly looking at the glass. "Hey ..tell hyung what's wrong. I can't see my dolls sad" he said tucking Jimin's hair behind his ear gently. Jimin put down the tea on the table then turned towards J-hope. J-hope looked at him waiting for him to say something. But then surprisingly Jimin leaned forward and attached their lips. J-hope leaned back breaking the kiss, "Jimin .." "please hyung" he looked at Jimin. Pain evident in those beautiful eyes. "Who hurt my doll?" He said caressing Jimin's cheek with his thumb. Jimin climbed up to his lap, "hyung" "Yes? Hyung is listening" "Please hyung...." Jimin said leaning once again towards J-hope's lips. J-hope held his waist firmly. "Jimin...no" "Hyung please..I need you" "If you need me I'm here. I'll listen to you. We don't have to be naked for that hm?" "No... please just for once. Please hyung.. hold me" "Unhn..I can't" "But why?! I need it! Please give it to me!" "Doll...just say it. What happened? ...'cause the last time I saw you this much vulnerable was when I brought you to Moonflower" Jimin turned his face, "I'm going" "Jimin--" before J-hope could speak further Jimin got up and left from there. J-hope sighed and took out his phone. He dialled a number, "What are you doing? ...How long we have to do this? You know I can't see any of my dolls in pain. ...~ sighs ~ yeah.. Taehyung said he was crying badly. Yeah he was with me ...and he wanted me fuck him. Gosh stop playing with my dolls! Is it fun to you?! ...yeah yeah ..hey! Of course I didn't fuck him! ...well he just stormed out of the office. Huh! Satisfied?! ... Whatever! Please finish this tag game of yours....what really?! You got hold of him?! ...oh ..oh ok ..ok great!...I know! Geez! Don't you trust me?!...still!! ...you know what.. you're really a jerk..." He cut the call. "Fuck.. who knew that night I'd be stuck in such shit...well anything for Moonflower and my dolls...damn I need a drink" he said and went to the counter.

~ On the other side ~

~ At Seondu Police Station ~

"Did he talk?" A voice spoke. The fellow officers turned and salute him. "We are still in the process sir. But we'll soon talk everything out of him!" An officer said. "Hm ..make him talk soon. After all there's not much time left" "Yes sir!"

He went to his desk, "Hello. Not yet.... don't worry my officers will get every information out of him. Leave it to us...yes. I'll inform you if we get further vital information. Hm..I know..trust me I give you my word we'll get this jerk within 2 days. And I, Officer Kim Namjoon, never get back on my word"

 And I, Officer Kim Namjoon, never get back on my word"

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Namjoon sighed and sat down with his eyes closed. "Tired sir? Should I bring some ice tea for you?" A soothing voice came. Namjoon opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, "Well.. shouldn't you? After all you're my dearest one and only secretary who has the biggest crush on me, the wealthy businessman, Mr. Kim Namjoon...right ,my love, Officer Kim Seokjin?" He said with a smile.

right ,my love, Officer Kim Seokjin?" He said with a smile

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Seokjin chuckled, "Joon, we're on duty rn. Please avoid using the 'my love' here. And I'll bring you some ice tea sir" he said before leaving from there.


A/N :

Okay ..now I myself don't know where this story is leading 🦆......

Let's see


Btw .... how's this?

 After a long time I drew 🌚❤️‍🔥

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After a long time I drew 🌚❤️‍🔥

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