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A/N : Ayooo!! Mochis! Hehe sorry it took me few days to update. Wanna know what I was busy with?! Damn! I was reading

"UKIYO" By Sharleena!!!!

OMG!!! I've been wanting to read it since last year. But was busy with studies!! Finally I finished it!! And it left a huge impact on me for few days too. I couldn't update...'cause my mind was fucked up! couldn't focus in this shitty story! Fuck..it was really the greatest Yoonmin story ever!!! Istg!! Every true yoonminer MUST read it!!!

Well and then I had a marriage ceremony to attend to also


I hate marriages!!! It's a phobia to me!!

Anyways that was it! Ooh if anyone's curious about Ukiyo..then see the video above! Gosh the editor killed it!! I want a movie on Ukiyo! But it's not possible at all ~ pouts~
Whatever! So here my mind is finally functioning a lil 😺!


~ 5~

|| Jimin's P. O. V ||

"Hyung.." I called peeking inside the room. The chair where he usually sits was empty. I slowly went inside and found him talking on the phone while standing near the window. After few seconds I heard him cursing.

"Listen..I don't wanna hear anything else! Tell that motherfucker that next time he better keep his ass out of my business. And I want neither him nor his shitty drugs in my brothel. That should be fucking clear!" He growled and cut the call. Drugs..??

I heard him sigh. He then turned and spotted me. "Hey Jiminie. What's up? You want something?" He said coming to me. "Uh.. no. I actually came to ask ..hyung where's Tae? I haven't seen him since morning!" "Ah.. Taehyung. Actually there's this ..uh..well a kind of house party. And they asked for few people. So I send some girls but the host said that his friend wanted Taehyung specially. He was ready to pay extra too. So I had to send Taehyung with them too" he said. "Oh..I see.." I said. Again..I hope Tae was ok. I saw hyung lighting a cigarette. The phone call some minutes ago. I remembered his words. "Hyung.." "hm?" He said then sat down on the sofa and exhaled smoke. "Did something happen? I...uh...heard something about 'drugs'.." I said quietly. I saw him sighing while shaking the cigarette between his fingers. "So you heard it" "Sorry .. didn't mean to eavesdrop.." "Nahh it's fine. Well..some fuckers are messing with the business. There's this one dude I abhor absolutely. He wants to extend his business in 'Moonflower'..." "And it's.." he nodded, "Drugs. He wants me to start giving drugs to the workers and customers" I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed my elbows. Hyung noticed my actions. "Hey relax. I won't let that happen ok? I don't want any goddamn drugs in 'Moonflower'. 'Moonflower' is good as it is. It doesn't need those nasty shits" I only hummed. "Jiminie.." I looked at him. "Come here" he said extending his hand. I quietly went closer and held it. He gently pulled me towards the gap of his parted legs and made me sit on one of his thighs. "Relax. No need to worry. Hyung is here. You trust hyung ,right?" He whispered. I nodded, "I do.." "Good. Then don't think about anything else. Go and rest. Do you want to eat something? Say ..hyung will order it for you" I stayed silent for few seconds. "Taehyung is not here. You'll be bored. So..?" He said. I pursed my lips, "Ok then. Pastry" he smiled brightly, "Okay! I'll get it for you. You go and kill time" he said giving my waist a gentle squeeze. "Hm..ok" I said with a small smile. "Good. Go now I have some other calls to make" he said leaving me and continued with his smoking. I got up and walked out of the room.

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