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|| Author's P. O. V ||




"Hwaa!! W-what?!" Jimin snapped his head.

"In which world are you huh?? I called you like more than 5 times! You were spacing out!" Taehyung said frowning. It has been 2 days and Taehyung had been observing Jimin. He was spacing out most of the time.

"Oh ..ah yeah .. sorry I couldn't hear you" Jimin mumbled. Taehyung looked at him with a blank face, "I am literally lying right beside you calling your name for five times exactly near your ear.... What happened?" "N-nothing .. everything's fin--" "Jimin....you were spacing out. ..and you have been doing this for like 2 days. Atleast that's what I noticed" Jimin remained silent. Taehyung nudged him, "Hey.. c'mon tell me what is it! What's bothering you? Say.." Jimin blinked few times, "It's... really nothing.." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Are you speaking or I should leave?" Jimin sighed," Taeeee.... it's really...hahh" he got up and sat folding his legs, "He is not coming.." he said quietly. Taehyung arched a brow, "What?" Jimin glanced at him once then gulped, "He...Mr. Silent.." "Ahh..Mr. Cat eyes?" Jimin nodded, "yeah... it's been 3 days...he didn't come" "Oh..." Taehyung said getting up and sitting beside him. He didn't know how to respond. "Uh...maybe he's busy?.." "That's what I thought at first too. I thought..okay maybe he'll come next day..but it's been 3 days..and he didn't come at all" He said staring at the wall of his room. It's been 3 days since he spent his nights all alone. He felt like something very big was missing. Suddenly his nights were lonely and cold ... again. The first day he was confused. Second day ..he started thinking a lot and now he felt empty. The sudden cessation of his darling customer's visits left him confounded. Why was he not coming? Maybe he was busy.. But it's been 3 days..maybe he was extremely busy..but then again was he really busy? Or did he really stop coming? Did it occurred to his mind suddenly that he should stop visiting such a place? Did he realise his wife was enough for him? Was he happy with his wife now? He didn't need Jimin anymore?!...

Taehyung noticed Jimin was spacing out again. He bumped his shoulder lightly breaking his trance. "Hey.. chill. He must be busy. That's it. He'll come" "When?" Jimin unconsciously blurted out. "Huh?...ah..I..I don't know..maybe tonight?..Hm...maybe he'll come tonight" Taehyung said. 'Will he really?' Jimin thought. Maybe Taehyung was right. He was just overthinking. "Oi! You ok? Don't worry he'll come" Jimin nodded then looked at him with a small smile, "Hm. You're right. He must be busy. He'll come".

Whole week Jimin spent cold and lonely nights.

~ Time Skip ~

"Jimin-ah ~~" Taehyung chirped entering the room. He found Jimin lying on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Hey" "Hmm..." "Let's go to eat ice-cream!" "I don't feel like it" Taehyung blinked few times. "Jimin..." He called softly but there was no more response. Taehyung sighed. He really didn't like seeing his friend like that. He was always so full of confidence and lively. Just few days ago he looked so happy. Now he looked drained. He went and silently sat beside him. "He didn't come right?" Jimin shook his head. "You miss him?" Jimin nodded. "Jimin...do you...l-love him?" There was silence for few seconds before Jimin frowned a lil, "I.. don't know...I just miss him. I ...miss his touch..his warmth.." he whispered. Taehyung remained silent. He didn't know what to tell him. But he knew one thing very clearly that the man had a great effect on his friend.

There was a knock.

"Taehyung are you with Jimin?" J-hope's voice came. "Ah yeah hyung" "You got a customer! Get back to your room" "Oh... o-ok..am coming" Taehyung said then looked at his friend who was still in the same position. "I have to go..talk to you later" Jimin only gave him a small 'hm'.

~ At Night ~

|| Jimin's P. O. V ||

I got out of the shower. How many men I took today? ...I don't even remember. I feel so numb...I sat down in front of the mirror and stared at my own reflection. What went wrong? Why did he stop coming? Was it because I was late that night? Because I made him wait? ..but he always waited patiently. That night..he was so ... Idk..he looked... pissed? Idk..but he was not his usual self. He was so desperate. Where are you darling?...Did you forget me and started living your life like a normal family man?...with your...wife. I miss our nights....It's all empty now. I just silently sit on the bed at the time when you used to visit. The bed... it's always empty and cold. I can't fall asleep on it anymore like I used to in your arms. Please... please darling come back. I want to feel your warm embrace. Your soft kisses.

"Jimin you got a customer"

I snapped my head towards the door with wide eyes. He came!! I sprang up smiling widely and immediately opened the door. But then my smile vanished. It was not him! Some other man. He entered the room bumping my shoulder. "What are you staring at? Come here!" He yelled. I flinched a lil then shut the door quietly and went to the bed. "Hmmm c'mon strip and sit here" he commanded. I took off the bathrobe and did as he said. "Hahh.. it's been a shit day. Come make me feel good" the man said eyeing me hungrily. It's nothing new. But why do I feel .. strange? I silently sat there. The man buried his face into my neck licking and kissing sloppily while his hands wandered all over my body. I felt his hands caressing and then spreading my thighs. He opened my legs wide and slid his hand all the way down placing it on my rim. I felt his thick , chubby finger rubbing my rim and then entering my hole. It was different. The feeling was different. It wasn't those fingers. That's not how I felt. It doesn't feel good. It's uncomfortable. "Unh.." I whimpered and shook a lil. I could hear the heavy breathing of the man. He pushed his finger deeper. I clenched my eyes shut. One finger...then two ..then three...I felt him fingering me harder. "Hahh..so good..mmh" he mumbled near my ear.

Next ...I don't know what was happening. My mind was a mess. I only felt the hard thrusts of the man who was hovering over me, pressing me down with his huge frame. It was a mess. I felt uncomfortable, suffocated and ..... disgusted. No ..this is not how it used to end. It used to be gentle ,warm, cozy and sweet with cuddles and kisses. It was always so warm..your embrace...so so warm and comfortable that I used to fall asleep. This is nothing like that! It's disgusting.. it's--

I started breathing heavily. I couldn't breathe...it hurt ..I felt nauseous. Soon everything became hazy. I heard the man saying something..but couldn't make out what. Soon I felt my insides getting filled up. "Auck.." I felt the bile upto my throat. I couldn't see anything clear. I didn't know when the man finished or left. I just laid there on the bed like that. Naked, covered in sweat and cum. My eye sight was still extremely blurry. It was until I realised that they were full of tears as I felt the hot salty water rolled down my cheeks. I let out a painful sob. I felt so small, so dirty...

So vulnerable.

"D-darling...you ...y-you made me vulnerable...you made me vulnerable!...and l-left me! I get it..I get it! You won't come! You won't come back!...it was the last...t-the last...that's why you took 4 rounds...you just satisfied yourself and left... LEFT!!" I cried out in pain. My lungs hurt. It's suffocating. Why...why?! ..I thought he was different. I thought he was not an ugly dog...I thought he, even if lil bit, was empathetic...then why??! If you had to leave then why showed me those gentle actions?! Why made those things a habit to me?! You gave me those experiences and left ...showed me warmness and left me in the cold again. I was stupid to be delusional! Maybe ...maybe you are always like this with every person you sleep with! I'm the fool to think that I was an exception. I was so so fucking stupid! You were same. You .. at the end...did the same.

"D-darling...at the end..I was also just a whore to you.."

I whispered in a broken voice as tears kept streaming down. Soon darkness clouded my eye sight.


A/N :

I'll keep this one short!

See ya 🐇💜

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