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~ Next Morning ~

|| Author's P. O. V ||

Jimin was lying on his bed checking out some ear-rings online. That's when there was a knock on the door. "Jimin-ah ~~" a deep yet cute voice was heard from the other side. "Come in Tae!" Jimin said keeping his eyes fixed on the phone screen. The door opened and a tall, beautiful man with dark hair walked in.

 The door opened and a tall, beautiful man with dark hair walked in

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"Hey Tae!" "Hi.." "I went to your room..but then..you were ..well you were kinda busy" Jimin said to his friend, Taehyung as he came and sat down beside him on the bed. "You came? When?" "About half an hour ago" "Ahhh..yeah..I was fucking a customer" Jimin chuckled, "Anyone could tell Tae! All those moans of yours and your dear customer were enough to understand" "Oh Don't talk about him! That piece of shit! He's always so rough with me. Pulling my hair and shoving his dick inside my mouth everytime he comes here. And to say he's a police officer!!..Ughh disgusting! ~ sighs~..I also want to have my morning time off like you but can't do anything. Evening is booked. Sometimes afternoon too. I only get a lil amount of time in the afternoon off but then again it's not fixed. And I don't understand from where these horny dickheads come! Like... Who comes to brothel to fuck so early in the morning?! And then hyung says ..so I can't refuse too.." Taehyung said. "Hm.. that's true..and that dude is in police. Always on duty maybe that's why he comes first thing in the morning to fuck before starting his day?" Jimin said scrolling down through his phone, not really caring. "Huh! Duty??! While fucking and whispering dirty talks into my ear he even once told me how he sometimes locks up some innocent teen girls and boys from the slum and fucks them inside the cell in return of releasing them" Taehyung said making a disgusted face. "Sick bastard..well forget about those shits atleast you have Jungkook" Jimin said. The next moment Taehyung's face lit up and he smiled widely showing his boxy smile, "Right! He's the only one who makes all these horrible feelings that I feel since morning till evening disappear in one go! And you know last night he gifted me a bracelet! See this one!" Taehyung said showing his wrist, "He says it's really cheap but that's all he could afford from his job as a mechanic" Taehyung said with a pout. "Silly boy. He got you such a pretty bracelet that is the most sweetest thing in itself! And he's worrying about price!" Jimin said shaking his head. "Ikr! I said the same! The price doesn't matter. The feelings matter. And I love it! It's so beautiful~~I'll always wear it!" He said with a soft smile and tinted cheeks. Jimin gave him a small smile, "It's really good to have someone like Jungkook in this line of work who actually cares about you and loves you from his heart and not only your body. In this hell hole ...we have even discarded our self respect. We are just sitting here to spread our legs for strangers who just come and put in their cocks in us in return of money. To have a Jungkook in such place is like having one ray of light in the darkness. I'm glad that you have him Tae" Jimin said with a sad smile. "Hm.. I'm also grateful for that fateful day 4 years ago when he came here for the first time and randomly chose me as his partner for the night. I still vividly remember it. He was all soaked in rain and ... heart-broken. It was clearly showing that he was not looking for sex but comfort. Still we did it. I was a lil hesitant but still asked him and then..he broke down completely. He told me everything how his girlfriend was playing with him all along. He had a sick mother but still at his mother's words he saved all the money for his wedding instead of her treatment. Later he regretted obeying his mother. Soon her health became serious and she abruptly passed away. He was already so grief-stricken and at the end his girlfriend ran away with that money on their wedding night with some other man. It was that night he came here to 'Moonflower'. He looked lifeless. Idk..it was the first time I talked to a customer for long and emotionally comforted him. Then slowly slowly things changed. He started coming here more often. Then everyday. He was not the simple and naive Jungkook I had seen that night anymore Jimin" "Hm. He's a tough guy now with all muscles and colourful tattoos on his arm including your name" Jimin said and Taehyung chuckled, "Yup. And I really never expected him to propose me too. Like seriously can you believe?! Proposing someone like me! A whore. At first I thought it was some joke but then I came to realise how serious that man was. It's been 4 years..still his love for me didn't change at all. He even said he'll find a good job and save a lot of money to get me out of here. Then we'll live together. I told him it's not that easily possible. But he said he'd do everything he can to make it possible. I seriously love that bunny so much Jimin! He's the sole reason I'm alive both physically and mentally" Jimin nodded, "I understand and I really wish his dream comes true. I'd be happy to see you two together peacefully" "Hm..And I wish you also find someone..." Jimin sighed shaking his head slightly. He never hoped for anything. The life he was leading..it was best not to have any hopes up. About Taehyung and Jungkook..it was a rare case. " Whatever leave all this! You know.. yesterday I had a new customer" he decided to change the topic. "Oh and? What type of jerk was it this time?" Jimin shook his head, "He was neither a jerk nor ugly yk. Rather he was extremely hot and well.. different..or rather I should say 'odd'..? .. Idk.." "What do you mean?" "Uh ..he was really really young and handsome. Like a real hotty. And man his cock... I even got a crack in my skin and the sex was so awesome. We had 2 rounds" Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "That's really not you ..to have 2 rounds.." "Hm..and it was raw..no condoms" "What?!! Really?!..woah ...uh.. what's his name?" Jimin pouted, "Idk.." "Eh? What--" "He didn't say. In fact he didn't utter a single word. He was silent all the time. And after we were done. He just left" "what??.." Taehyung made a confused face, "Was he mute?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "And he enjoyed it?" "Idk..it seemed he did ..but Idk.." Taehyung sighed, "weird.." "Ikr.." "Anyways.. listen..wanna eat ice-cream?!" Taehyung said excitedly. "Hmm icecream?..sure! Let's go! But before that tell me how these earrings are?" "Sexy~" "Hehe! Okay then! Let's go!" They both got up and went downstairs to J-hope. "Hyung~~" "Hey you two. What's up?" "Hyung we want icecream!" Taehyung said. J-hope looked at them and pursed his lips, "Hmm..okay fine go but don't go very far" "Yay! Okay!" They both put on a t-shirt and shorts then went outside. It's very rare for them to come outside and even if they did it was only for few minutes. They quickly got their icecreams and went back. They stood in the balcony and enjoyed their icecream while chatting a lil. After sometime J-hope came to them. "Hey Jiminie, Tae!" "Hm..yes hyung?" "You got a call. C'mon" both Taehyung and Jimin turned. "There's a big party for the politicians. That calls for some dance and entertainment" "Dance...." Jimin said with a frown. "Oh you guys won't dance don't worry. I'm sending some girls for that and you guys will just go and sit with them and yk keep them a good 'company'. Hurry up and get ready. I'm sending the clothes" J-hope said before leaving. "Koo hates it when I sleep with politicians" Taehyung said, "he says they are motherfuckers" "And I agree with him. Let's go" Jimin said as they went inside.

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