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|| Author's P. O. V ||

"First time ever setting foot in a place like this. Right?"

"Yes.." the man said smiling sheepishly.

'Wonderful' Jimin thought. 'What makes hyung send these new ones to me?' he asked himself. He sighed softly, "And your name?"

"Kim Namjoon" the man said avoiding eye contact. Jimin nodded then held his hand guiding him towards the bed. He made him sit down. "You look older than me. How old are you?" He said lightly brushing his collar. "I..29.." Namjoon replied timidly. "Hm.. you'd be my hyung then..so.." Jimin said and sat on Namjoon's lap. He noticed the man's body tensed up at his action. He placed his fingers lightly on Namjoon's face and caressed his jawline. Namjoon's Adam's apple bopped at the touch. "How do you feel sir?" Jimin spoke in a hushed voice. He waited for Namjoon to touch or hold his waist but instead he found the man shaking. "What happened sir?" Namjoon gulped again and again, "A-actually...I..unh.. i-it's..my f-first time.." he stuttered furiously. Jimin softly caressed his cheek and nuzzled his nose into his neck, "I know. I get it that it's your first time here. Don't worry it'll be fine. Just relax.." he said rubbing his palm on Namjoon's buff chest. "Ani..I..I meant..that.. it's my first time..d-doing ..t-this..."

~ silence ~

Jimin hands stopped moving and so did his brain. He raised his head and looked at the man in front him. He blinked few times then with a deep frown he said, "You...you never had sex before??" Namjoon blushed and shook his head looking everywhere but at Jimin. Jimin's mouth hung open for few seconds before he shoot up from Namjoon's lap standing straight. "W-wait..you..you are a v-virgin?!!"  "Y-yeah.." he replied scratching his head. Jimin stood silently for some time then looked at the man sitting on the bed. "You mean ..you came here to lose your virginity?" Namjoon didn't reply immediately. After few seconds he heard the man sigh deeply, "Actually..I .. Idk..why I even came here in the first place. I..I was not in my right mind and just stepped in.." Jimin's frown just deepened, "What do you mean? Wait first tell me one thing. You want to do it or not?" Namjoon bit his lip, "I.." he then sighed heavily, "Actually..no. No I don't want to have sex" Now Jimin was confused af plus kinda irritated. "Then why are you here?" He asked. "Because..I had a fight with my secretary.." "And? What does that have to do with you coming to a brothel?" He heard Namjoon sigh again, "I.. actually many things happened and my mind was a mess then..my secretary..ugh ..I was totally fucked up and I was driving past this place so..so Idk ..I just stepped in!" Namjoon said fiddling with his fingers. Jimin stood there speechless. "Woah .. listen here. Do you think this is a park? You have a fucked up mind then come and sit here to freshen up your mood... something like that?!" "I'm sorry.." "Sorry??! ..huh..I don't understand what hyung thinks before sending weird, virgin customers to me" he grumbled then took a seat beside Namjoon on the bed. "Ok now ..can you tell me what exactly happened? I mean of course if you want to share.. otherwise.. it's ok" "No no I'm fine about telling you but wouldn't it be a  waste of your time?" "Well you already paid and now we have 1 hour so let's talk" Jimin shrugged "I see ok. I'd also like you to talk to me" Jimin nodded, "okay.."

•          •         •

"So ..your parents were forcing you to marry their business partner's daughter who's just like a good friend to you. There were so many issues going on for that and then suddenly your secretary, with whom you have an excellent bond, kinda confessed his feelings for you. But you end up fighting each other. And because of all that you were out of your mind then you were driving past this place and just entered to ..well to kinda escape from all that. Is that it?" Jimin said after hearing everything. "Yes.." Jimin folded his arms on his chest, "So what exactly are you running away from?.. listen you don't want that marriage, do you?" Namjoon shook his head, "She's just a friend. Not a close one tho but still" "Hm then just call it off" "I know..I ..was thinking of doing that anyways. The main issue is with Seokjin!" "Seokjin? Oh that's your secretary's name?" "Yeah.." "What's the problem? Oh because he's a damn secratary?" "Ani! Absolutely no! He's not just a secratary to me. He's always been beside me in everything. He even took care of me more than my own parents. We are extremely close. He has done so many things for me that .. I can't even imagine a mere secretary would do so much. He's almost like a family" "Umhmm then?" "Then..I mean.. his confessing like that ..like so suddenly..I was..I was confused. And shocked too. I never expected him to see me in that light. I ..also don't know if I can look at him in that way too..and then ..the fight..I.. maybe I said some things that I didn't mean at all. I just ..god I! I'm so .. it's so frustrating..and what's more frustrating it that he was the only one with whom I shared everything. Now ..I don't..I don't fucking know what to do!" I can't find peace at home, I can't focus on work too and then ..then I don't have him with me when I need him the most. I ..I feel so pathetic!" "Hey hey hyung..calm down calm down" Jimin said placing his hand on top of  Namjoon's, "Have you tried talking things out with him?" Namjoon shook his head, "I'm scared. I can't face him. I hurt him. I hurt him real bad. He must be hating me now. I can't talk to him.. I'm afraid..what if he leaves me?" Jimin let out a soft huff, "You feel scared at the thought of him leaving you?" "A lot. It's terrifying. The thought itself is terrifying" Namjoon said squeezing Jimin's tiny hand in nervousness. "You feel guilty of hurting him right? Then go and apologize" "Will he forgive me?" "Who knows. But I think he will. You just have to talk to him. Tell him you never meant any of it" "But what if he hates me now?" "He won't. When you are so close and he's like a family to you then he won't hate you just like that. Just apologize hyung then leave everything to him. Apologize before it's too late. And you know what. Why don't you give it a chance?" "What?" "Your relationship with him" Namjoon looked at him, "You mean ..date him?!" Jimin nodded. "I ..uh..I don't know..I .." "Are you homophobic?" "What?! No! .I mean ...~ sighs ~ I don't know. I never thought about that thing. Like neither supported it nor hated it..I .. simply never thought about it" Jimin nodded understanding, "So are you absolutely straight?" "Huh? ..I guess? ..I don't know.." "Geez you're so!" "I'm sorry.." "Listen then I think you should give it a chance. Like find out your sexuality. Like if you're absolutely straight or ..maybe Bi..who knows? So ..yeah..but do apologize first. Then ..you know discuss it out.. hm?" Namjoon thought for some time then slowly nodded, "I guess I should do that. I can't just keep running away from him" "yeah it'll only increase the problems" "Hm..thanks Jimin" "Hm and one more thing.. instead of facing your problems don't create new ones. Just like today. You're absolutely a decent businessman. What shit was going on inside your head that you entered a filthy place like this?! You know respect is a very expensive thing. It's extremely hard to earn. Even if you don't do anything just by people watching you coming to such places is enough to put a scar on your dignity. So next time don't just set foot in such dark places like a fool. You don't belong to such world hyung" Namjoon gave him a sad smile, "You also don't belong here Jimin" "Me? And what makes you think like that? .. besides I came here at a very young age..so ..well my condition is different. Anyways..please bear these things in mind" "Hm .. thanks. And sorry I just wasted your time" Namjoon said smiling foolishly. Jimin shook his head, "Nahh it was fine. You should leave as soon as possible. It's not a nice place at all. And talk to hyung downstairs. He'll return the money --" "Ani! I don't want the money back. You helped me a lot. It was more than worth coming here. I was lucky that you talked to me and prevented me from making more mistakes. Thanks again" He said going towards the door. "Bye hyung~" Namjoon bowed then offered him a dimple smile before closing the door.

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