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|| Author's P. O. V ||

"Jimin, ready?" J-hope said standing out of Jimin's room.

"Yes hyung.. coming!" Jimin's muffled voice came from the other side.

After few minutes he came downstairs and joined his other friends.

"Okay let's go then" J-hope said checking everyone once for the last time before leading them out. Within an hour they reached the hotel. J-hope stood at the entrance talking and showing the guard something. The guard looked at the group of young boys once before nodding and letting them enter. One by one the boys entered. They definitely didn't miss to notice how the guard checked them out as they entered one by one in their sexy outfits.

While entering Jimin caught a glimpse of a man's back in suit. He reminded Jimin of 'him'. "Hey" Taehyung's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "You ok?" Jimin shook his thoughts away then nodded resuming his walk. That night was an ugly night to him. Ugly feelings, ugly memories...a painful night. It's been few days and he was trying his best to come out of all of it. He consoled himself, comforted himself a lot , told himself a lot that it was useless craving for the man. He was afterall just a client and he was only giving him service. That's all. There was no strings meant to be attached anyways. It was his silly mistake to get emotionally attached to his client. It was best to just forget it all and continue his old lifestyle. The life of a bitch. And he was doing just that. They had come to this grand hotel to provide 'company' to men who were celebrating here.

• • •

"Jimin you're drinking too much!" Taehyung said holding his arm. Jimin pulled his arm away gently, "Tae..am fine... lemme drink.." "But..drink in moderation. You'll fall sick or won't be able to handle yourself" "Hmm... don't worry...I won't.." he said gulping shots after shots. No matter how much he consoled himself there was one drastic change he couldn't avoid at any cost. He couldn't bring himself to have sex with others like he used to. Other than 'him' he always felt sick sleeping with other men. He'd always feel nauseous or lose track of time and everything. He tried hard but couldn't bring himself to return to his past self. Therefore, each time he took customers he'd get drunk to numb his senses. That way it was easier to have sex with others without feeling strange.

~Time Skip~

"Umhh~~" Jimin whimpered softly as the man pressed him from the behind against the wall in the room. "Oh..such a sweet voice you have" "My voice ..is not the only thing that's sweet tho~~" Jimin slurred with a smile, eyes shut. He had no idea of time, place or the person who was pressing him against the wall. The man chuckled, "Is that so? Then come ..let daddy find what else is sweet?" He whispered dirtily into his ear. The man threw him on the bed making his delicate body collide with the soft expensive mattress. He then crawled on top of him pushing his top up slowly revealing his stomach and chest. He caressed his waist burying his face into Jimin's neck kissing and licking the skin. Jimin groaned softly with a light frown ,eyes shut. The man then put his palm on Jimin's clothed dick and palmed it. "Ahh~~" Jimin moaned fisting the bedsheet lightly. After palming for few seconds the man started taking off his pants. "C'mon babyboy..open up your pretty thighs.." Jimin did and the next moment he felt big fingers rubbing his rim. He curled his toes as the man pushed his fingers inside and started fingering him. "Anhh ~~ ..umm~~"

• • •

"Hahh...so good ..oh.." the man fisted Jimin's brown locks as he sucked his cock. "Pretty doll. You're doing so well. Making me feel so good. Hahh.." after some time he came into his mouth. "Hahh..hahh..come..." He held Jimin by his arm and pulled him on top of himself. He held Jimin's thighs and spread them making Jimin straddle him. "Anhhh~~" Jimin moaned out loudly as the man sucked his sensitive nipples while teasing his hole with the head of his cock. Jimin whined gripping the man's shoulder. "What is it hm?" The man said licking his nipple. "Umh~ d-don't..." "Don't what?" "Unn.. don't t-tease..." "Hm? Then? .." "ah~" "Do you want it hm? This.." he said rubbing the head on Jimin's rim, "inside? Say.." "Umh~ ...y-yes...hahh.. yeah..want it ..want your cock daddy" Jimin slurred mind not functioning correctly. "Sure daddy will give you his all" the man said giving his nipple a light bite before pushing his cock inside. "AH!~~" "Hah..so tight and hot ..mmh your insides feel so good" he said nuzzling into Jimin's neck as he thrusted in and out of his hole. Jimin moaned as he felt his insides being stretched. The man then flipped their position making Jimin lay under himself and increased his pace.

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