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|| Author's P. O. V ||

"Anh~ ah~ ..ah ...hmm..AH ..AHH~~"

There was heavy breathing and a girl's high pitched moans mixed with sobs could be clearly heard from outside the room.

*Knock Knock*

The actions inside the room seemed to have paused and a deep voice was heard.

"What is it?"

"Boss...a news.." the young man outside the room said.

After some minutes the door opened and a girl ran outside. She immediately left from their not even sparing a glance anywhere. From her appearance and all it was hard to confirm whether she was a call girl or not. The young man then entered and stood straight in front the person inside the room. The man , apparently addressed as 'boss' was sitting on the king-size bed half naked, dragging a smoke. He seemed to be in his early 30s.

 He seemed to be in his early 30s

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"Speak..." He ordered briefly.

"Sir...uh...S-Sunjae...was caught"

The man looked at him with cold eyes. There was complete silence. The young man standing in front of the bed just gulped.


"Y-yes... sir..."

"By who?"


"And my business?"

The man gulped and looked down, "Police have s-sealed the entire place sir..."

The man's jaw clenched. He got down from the bed and walked towards the young man who was already shaking in fear.

"So you're saying Sunjae fucked up and now Police has my place all to it's own...hm?"

The man didn't dare look up. He just gulped and nodded.

The man took a deep breath. "Hmmm... you came here , disturbed me to give me this fucking bad news..and I was also relieving my stress but you ruined it too. Because of that motherfucker Sunjae my business got away from my hands and because of you that girl also got away", he said having a drag from the smoke, "Do you know how irritating is it when you send men to get a university girl but then you have to let her go without completely done playing with her just because some motherfucker interrupts huh?...What should I do with you now hm?"

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