Beautiful Black Eyes Now Gone

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Jay's POV:

I heard a small painful gasp before her body fell limp completely. Something in me broke. I can't lose her when I just found her. What are you doing, God? Even if she isn't my mate and there's something else to explain this, I can't let her go like that. 

A growl vibrates through the clearing, a clear warning that everyone's about to die if they don't clear the way. Yet, even with my warning, they refuse. How stupid and suicidal could one be? My men were throwing carcass after carcass, getting beat up and bleeding pretty badly from what I can see, but still fighting. 

I felt someone crash into my side, dragging our bodies into a whirl of bites and snaps, kicking at each other until eventually I manage to get on top. The wolf falls deathly still when I lock my jaw around his neck. One wrong move would end his being and he knows it. He bows his head in submission so I release him. He's not my issue right now.

Noah had gotten away earlier, running like a coward. No, like the coward he is. Leaving all his men to die. There were wolves piling in from all areas. He's a petty excuse of an alpha.

J-jay I'm not sure we can take all of them.

Lomen's voice sounded through the mind link. He sounds like he's on the brink of death and when I look over, I'm shocked to see my beta bleeding, pale, and swaying on his feet while trying to hold his own.

Gifford, get to Lo-

Before I could finish, a shutter and sweep of coldness went through the field, making all the wolves, including myself, freeze. The smallest girl from before walked forward, towards the oncoming wolves. She was calm. She didn't even look scared. She's just walking towards them, hands swaying by her side. Then she spoke. She spoke something in a muttered, foreign language.

When I looked to check on my possible mate, I was shocked to see her no longer there. I whipped around, changing back to my original form, searching the clearing for her. My hearts throbbing erratically at the thought of losing her.

That's when I saw her. She imitated great strength and grace, a haze of blue following her movement while she danced between wolves. She moved fluently, like a graceful angel, slaughtering the wolves in front of her. These wolves stood frozen and when she finally stopped moving, they all dropped to the ground. What the hell... When'd she learn to fight? 

When I looked back at the girl that was walking, I found her standing still like my own mate. She was still as could be but no wolves moved, in fact, all wolves before her were on the ground in submission. Not a single soul dared to move, not even my own men who stare bewildered at the two girls. Lomen's eyes connect with mine before he collapses to his knees coughing up a considerable amount of blood.

I went to take a step but soft cold voice called out, this one belonging to the girl with midnight blue hair, who was now walking to the last set of wolves who seemed to quiver at the sight of her. The wolves eyes were glowing yellow and they whimpered and trembled, the closer she got. Why can't I move? What did she say? What is that language? All these questions swarmed my mind, but nothing came to me. All the wolves turned tail as if they saw something that would never leave them and haunt them forever more. She now stood still, deathly still like my mate and the other girl.

All wolves still in the clearing, aside from my own, laid dead or in submission, looking as though they all experienced something they shouldn't have. That's when all of the girls turned at the same time. My eyes weren't on the other two though. They laid on who I mistakingly took as my mate. Her eyes were glowing white, her beautiful black eyes now gone. Her dark brown hair was replaced with a steady black hair that shined. She began walking to me, those glowing white eyes not leaving my own. I wanted to move. To shake her out of whatever she was in, to get to my beta who I could still hear choking on his own blood. To get to my pack and make sure everyone was okay but I couldn't. I couldn't move and when I tried to speak, my voice was gone.

I could feel Andrews anxiously pacing and talking way too fast for me to catch any real meaning. He was excited and trying to come forward but something was blocking him and for once, that something wasn't me.

She stood in front of me, speaking that foreign language, bringing her hand up to my chest, drawing something on my chest before she withdrew. I felt a soft warm humming from inside me and more energy then I've had in days. Andrews was happy, excited, and nervous, practically jumping. When my mind registered that Lomen's coughing was no longer, I looked up with wide worried eyes to find him standing with no wounds on him. He is looking at me with the same confused worried eyes. That's when the strange girl collapsed before me, falling limply to the ground and as I looked at the other two girls, they were also unconscious on the ground.

What the actual fuck just happened!? 

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