Mercy does not tread lightly on it's victims

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"Oh joy. I just can't wait for him to tell us all about how much fun he had with Oliver today." Thea could almost smell the sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

Thea sighed, and nodded along. She too was getting bored of Roy fan-girling over every little thing he and Oliver did together as Star Cities famous duo.

Just as they were setting the table for supper, the doorbell rang. Both girls sighed knowing the things Roy was going to talk about.

Little did they know, they were in for a surprise. 


Star City; Mia's house, July 4th 19:30 EDT:

Mia watched with mild amusement and surprise as Roy stomped into the house, muttering profanities, including her father's name, which only made her more curious.

"What happened, Uncle Roy?" Mia asked feigning innocence.

"The Justice league is whats wrong!" Roy shouts.

"Roy.." Thea warns.

"No! You both need to hear this, okay? The Justice league thinks it's okay to get our hopes up, only to lie to us, and treat us like babies, like.. sidekicks!" At this point Roy looks redder than the tomato sauce on the pizza.

"What happened Uncle Roy?" Mia repeated, this time, with actual genuine worry.

"I'll tell you what happened. Your good for nothing father, decides to tell me i'm going to become a member of the justice league, only to rip me off by lying to me, and downgrading me as a fucking sidekick!" Roy was screaming so loud, Mia swears she heard it echo.

"Ya, sounds like dear old dad." Mia's gaze hardened considerably.

After finally noticing the effect his words have on his niece, and also the fierce, disappointed glare he is getting from his ex girlfriend, Roy finally calms down, admits defeat, and starts eating his pizza.

The rest of the meal is filled with awkward silence, Roy ends up doing the dishes, since he's the one who killed the mood in the first place.

After noticing once again, how Mia seems more moody than usual, Roy throws her a duffel bag that contains her suit and weapons and says, 

"Suit up, you can hang out at my place for a few months, were going to partner up. You teach me how to be my own kind of hero, and I'll teach you more about the nightlife of Star Cities worst Criminals."

Thea is seen in the background, sending Roy a heartfelt smile, and nodding in a knowing way, she was proud of him. And that's all he needed.

It was impossible for Mia's smirk to get any wider.


Star City Outskirts, The Glades; July 15th, 18:52 EDT

Star City Outskirts, The Glades; July 15th, 18:52 EDT

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