My favorite Demon isn't my own

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As Amenadiel and Maze walked through the empty nightclub so they could reach the exit of the building, Maze paused, looked around and took out her knifes.

"Someones watching us." Amenadiel looked at her alarmed, and searched the room for a threat, but saw nothing. 

"I don't see anything..." He looked at the demon strangely. Maze leaned in close to his ear, and whispered something the assailant just barley caught.

"Shadows. They train their students to move so silently and deadly, they are one with the shadows. They don't just ally with the darkness. They were born in it." Amenadiel's eyes widened, realizing she was talking about the league of assassins.

Maze stepped up, and called out into the empty nightclub. "Come out, come out wherever you are! You can't hide from me, little assassin." A glimmer of movement was spotted, if you were a mere mortal, you wouldn't be able to catch the movement.

Maze twisted her blades in her hands, and narrowed her eyes before aiming her knife at an empty looking corner of the room, throwing it 2 times faster than any human could. What was weird though, was that the knife had stopped moving, but the sound of knife meeting flesh, or at least the wall, was not heard.

Both celestial creatures grew curious, and a little worried on what this meant.

"You know..." As the figure who was believed to be a literal shadow, stepped out from the corner, a hand was seen to be grasping the handle of the blade, meaning the assailant had caught Maze's knife, no one ever caught Maze's knifes. The figure was wearing a black leather jacket, and black jean shorts, their hood up.

"I thought you'd be a little more perceptive, being a fallen angel and the famed Mazikeen of the Lillum." The figure threw the knife ten times faster than Maze had, back at them. The demon just barely managed to catch it. Maze suddenly lunged at the figure, letting out an angry grunt. 

The demon tried kicking the assailant, but the figure grabbed her foot and threw her on the ground. Amenadiel attempted to intervene, but the mysterious figure lifted her hand and muttered a quick phrase while Maze was temporarily knocked down.

"Adhuc manere." Maze widened her eyes when Amenadiel stopped moving completely, seemingly parallelized in his spot. She quickly deduced the shadow to be blonde, and female.

"She's a witch! Be careful, Amenadiel, she's dangerous." Amenadiel was only able to blink as a response, his vocal cords somehow parallelized as well. 

Every time Maze would try and hit her, she would counter, or block the demons moves almost immediately. It seemed Maze was losing, as the girl was almost able to roundhouse kick her, when Maze quickly punched her in the stomach, and took the girls hood off. She doubled over in pain, and with her distraction Amenadiel was able to be free of the spell. But as the girl lifted up her face, Maze's eyes lit up in surprise, and guilt. She stopped Amenadiel from lunging at the girl, and took her chin in her hand. 

"Mia?" Maze lifted the girls face up, while grasping her chin, and the girl only weakly laughed.

"Hitting the weak spot, nice." Maze face lit up, being excited, but also confused at seeing her again. Mia grunted in even more pain, and held her lower stomach like someone just stabbed her with acid.

"Geez, maybe I should have listened to the caveman slash rich boy when he told me to not do much fighting, this death berry stuff is a bitch." Maze widened her eyes and removed Mia's hand, she rolled up Mia's shirt, and was able to see the black, dark purplish veins sprouting from a small, dart sized wound.

"Mia... what the hell is wrong with your stomach?" Mia gave her a sheepish look, and uttered something the demon and confused angel almost didn't catch. 

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