Though they may seem your enemy, the Shadows are your allies

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Harper Training & Boxing Club-Eastern Star City; August 7th, 14:36 PDT

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Harper Training & Boxing Club-Eastern Star City; August 7th, 14:36 PDT

Mia was in Roy's Gym, that was located on the east side of Star City. Her and Roy had been looking for a Doctor named Serling Roquette, who was coerced into building a weapon of mass destruction for the Shadows. The only problem was, they didn't know what it does.

Their mission was to rescue her, and hopefully apprehend the weapon she was being forced to make, as well as figure out the weapons purpose. Since they were making a doctor build the weapon, it was likely a machine of some kind.

Roy was gathering intel on the case, and he couldn't bring her because he was talking to the SCPD, if the government finds out she exists, lets just say hasta la vista Mia Smoak. So, until Roy makes her a fake identity she can parade around the world with, she was going to scowl till it became her resting bitch face. 

She was currently letting out her inner frustration on one of the many punching bags that decorated the gym.

As she was busy listening to House of the Rising Sun, blasting through her ear plugs and punching the daylights out of the punchbag, Roy suddenly burst in, waving his laptop around like he just won the lottery. He was shouting something at her, but she couldn't hear it over her music. "What?" she exclaimed, as she unplugged her music.

"I have a lead on the case! It's confirmed to be a computer programed machine of some kind. Doctor Roquette is supposed to be loading her program on Infinity Island. That's the last known location that a Shadow I interrogated spat out."

"I thought you were talking to the police?" Mia asked, confused.

"I was, but they had one of the shadows that helped kidnap Roquette, in custody. Pack up your stuff, it's a long way to Infinity Island."

"Uncle Roy..."

Roy stopped walking for a second and turned around to face his niece.

"Who was the shadow you interrogated?"

Roy's gaze darkened considerably. For he did not take great joy in interrogating that particular assassin. Because the Shadow he interrogated is the same Shadow that Killed the first Black Canary, Laurel Lance.

Diana Lance's Sister.

He turned back around and continued walking with Mia trailing behind, not knowing if he was actually going to answer the question. But, he paused for a moment and uttered the very name she hoped he wouldn't.

"Damien Darhk."


Infinity Island- August 7th, 23:49 ECT

Two figures were seen, one in red, one in black, running on top the outer walls of the castle like structure located on Infinity Island. The figure clad in red, shot an arrow at an armed guard, that electrocuted him and rendered him unconscious.

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