Trust only backfires when you do it too quickly

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Martian Bio Ship- August 8th, 19:57 EDT

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Martian Bio Ship- August 8th, 19:57 EDT

Mia was sitting in one of the seats, twirling the demon blades around her hands, and looking out the window at the clouds. John was flipping his cigarette lighter, and it was annoying the hell out of everyone, every time he would sigh in boredom.

"Why the hell are you even on this team?" Mia decided to ask her best friend. Everyone sighed like she just made the worst mistake in history.

"Don't even get him started..." Robin muttered. She looked at him strangely, but currently he was too busy dying of boredom to acknowledge her look. 

"Well, unlike these wankers.." At this, everyone except Mia and Artemis started groaning in annoyance. He continued anyway, albeit smirking at the amount of irritation he can inspire in others.

"I actually earned this spot. Everyone else has a mentor or what not, who was apart of the Justice League. But Batsy noticed me, out on my lonesome and providing the usual exorcism to any bloke in England who needed it. The old bat saw potential in me or something... and here I am." Mia gave him an 'are you serious look' and he shrugged before admitting,

"I may or may not have been drinking my way up bourbon street when he found me, but that's not the important titbit." Mia gave him a weirded out look.

"Aren't you 17?....." He only smirked, put his hand over his face, and when his hand started to glow yellow, his entire face changed into an older, 30-ish year old version of himself.

"With magic on my side, I am whatever age I want others to think I am. But sperm donor wise, yes I am 17." When he said 17, he waved his yellow glowing hand, and his face changed back to its original form. His hand stopped glowing as well.

Artemis raised her eyebrows. "Neat party trick." She expressed.

The said magician only smirked at her. "It's no party trick, luv. It's just simple non-verbal magic."

Everyone could tell he was flirting with her, but no one commented on it. Besides, they were friends now, the harmless flirting would only go so far. They both started messing around with each other 2 seconds after he said that anyway.

Robin, trying to get over his boredom, tried talking to Mia again. This time hopefully not dying of nervousness.

"So.. how do you feel about your first mission with the team?" She thought about her response for a moment, before answering his question.

"I've never really worked with a team, before. It's always just been me, and my uncle and my aunt. I think it'll be... enlightening? If that makes any sense?" He nodded along, and started staring at her face, unconsciously for a very long time. That is until Constantine snapped his fingers, creating a loud flash effect in the bio ship.

"Eyes off, bird boy. She's not aloud to date till she's 16." He said with narrowed eyes. Artemis slapped the back of John's head, and he rubbed it in pain. He started complaining to her. Thankfully Mia seemed to just roll her eyes, and ignore her idiot of a best friend. Robin though, seemed to be really red in the face. Almost in an embarrassed way, Mia noted.

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