The most complicated discoveries can be found with little knowledge

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GCPD, August 7th; 14:58 PTD

Damien remained silent, in the presence of her scrutinizing glare. She narrowed her eyes at his stubborn conclusion to simply ignore her questions.

"Well!? How the hell did you of all people, figure out I exist."

He gave her a little smirk, then responded in the most asshole way possible.

"Your father. Who else would give up your personal information?"

She sourly laughed. "Of course he did." She said bitterly, with an undertone of annoyance.

Roy looked her expression worriedly, not knowing the actual effect this information will have on her, due to her strong instinct of expertly hiding her true emotions.

"Thanks for killing me, by the way. Lazarus pit water has gifted me with a permanent accelerated healing ability."

If it was possible for Damien Darhk to die a second time by just Mia's glare, the bastard would be six feet under.

His face went serious again when he once again addressed the issue of his oh so very innocent daughter, Nora Darhk.

"She's more innocent than you think."
He tried to persuade the heroes into saving his daughter, once again.

Mia was the first to speak up, since Roy had his thinking face on.

"Ok, hold on. Number one: Nora Darhk is the youngest criminal to kill over 1,456 people, with her bare hands, in the world. Secondly: what trouble could she possibly be in, considering she can perfectly take care of her own, powerful witch self?" Mia questioned one of the many men she detested in her life.

Darhk leaned forward, and answered her question.

"Simple. The fact that she is all powerful, and that a 16 year old girl has killed that many people, is the reason she needs help."

He looked away as if he was holding off telling them the most important part of his story.

"Darhk! What the hell aren't you telling us!? If you want us to help your sorry ass, tell us the whole truth." Mia screamed at the man.

He looked awfully nervous but answered in a quiet tone.

"I got her possessed by a demon."
In fact, he said it so quiet that the two vigilantes who believed they were wasting their time, didn't even hear him. Even Mia, with her enhanced hearing, couldn't tell what he said.

Roy spoke up this time, his thinking face gone. He seemed to have made up his mind, of whatever he was having as an internal debate about in his own head.

"Can you repeat that, Darhk? Your incoherent mumbling is a little hard on the ears." Roy snapped at the man, in fluent sarcasm.

Darhk shouted his sentence this time, seeming to have no control over his guilt. For he said it all so fast, that the 2 almost didn't hear what he said.

"I got a demon to possess her okay? I made a deal with Asmodeus, one of the plague kings, specifically the demon of rats and lust. He gave her more power, and lengthened her lifespan, but he also darkened her soul. She was so innocent, and kind-hearted. Demons like Asmodeus feed off those kinds of human attributes. I made a mistake, I admit it, I feel terrible. And now my poor baby girl will continue to dam her soul, unwillingly. With every bad deed she makes as that disgusting demons host."

The two stared wide eyed at the man, both secretly considering his request.

Mia hesitated before asking the question that was on her mind.

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