A white knight is much like it's colour; a ghost

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Mia had used her nano tech device to change into her suit

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Mia had used her nano tech device to change into her suit. Her weapons were already connected to her suit with nano tech as well. She had tucked her demon blades into her suit holsters.

She walked up a stone pathway, that led into the giant wrecked looking building, known as Star Labs. They still haven't repaired the roof from when the particle accelerator hit. 


As she sneaked into the building, she noticed how they had zero protection on their security protocols, she could spread melted butter faster than she hacked their systems. She rolled her eyes and continued her search to find the female Snart. 

Once she was close enough, she heard a few people moving around and talking. 

She peaked around the darkened corner that opened up into the main controls system, and spotted Lisa in a chair, with Cisco about to shoot a gun powered with high levels of compressed air into her neck. 

Disappointment is all she felt. She thought these people were supposed to be smart. 

Lisa was seen grabbing his wrist, and looking at him with nothing but trust.

"I trust you Cisco." Mia took this as her chance to appear. 

To them she probably looked like a really short blonde assassin. She stealthily walked out of her corner, and leaned against the wall behind them. She had her voice modulator on, so her voice sounded deeper than usual.

She quietly chuckled, they still didn't know she was there, she cleared her throat and on cue, all 3 occupants whipped their heads around with wide eyes, Cisco being the one to scream like a little girl. Caitlin looking at the girl in confusion and a little fear, Lisa looked at her like she hasn't decided her opinion on the girl yet.

"I wouldn't." The vigilante clad in black said while crossing her arms.

"There is a scary child in my lab! Why is there a scary child in my lab! Caitlin, call the exorcist!" Caitlin glared at Cisco, Lisa looked at him as if he was an alien.

Mia only rolled her eyes.

"Calm down, Rapunzel. I was merely stating you cannot be trusted with thrusting an air powered weapon into someone who is infested with thermite. If you want to do it without blowing her head off, you need to position it so the gun will suck up the thermite directly through her carotid artery, if you are even an inch off, the space between her bones and skin layers will combust and give her a level 11 aneurysm. Which by the way, isn't a thing according to modern science, kinda like stage 10 cancer." 

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