The enemy of my enemy is barely my friend

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Punches and kicks were thrown at each other as they traveled through the blue vortex, multiple scenarios from different realities played out before them. Mia's face was covered in blood, and she had multiple bruises all over herself. Apparently, accelerated healing doesn't work in a magical-blue-portal-thingy.

The portal-thingy eventually opened up, and Zoom pushed her through, she rolled on the ground once they made it through, it seemed to be night. When he pushed her she fell on a road of somesort.

"Welcome to your new hell, I hope you enjoy it." Just as he was about to leave, she grabbed his leg, and twisted one of her demon blades before stabbing him in the leg. He screamed in pain, then kicked her in the face, since she was on the ground. 

She was sent flying in the air, from the impact, before roughly falling on the ground again. He pulled the blade out of his leg, and threw it on the road right beside her left arm. The blade made a sickening metal clang, when it hit the ground. The blade was disregarded beside it's twin, after Mia had accidentally dropped it.

"You already killed everyone else! Why did you have to kill her! Why did you kill the only living relative I had left!" She shouted with angry tears streaming down her face, after spitting out blood from when he had kicked her in the face. He chuckled, and answered once again in his demonic voice, his pitch black eyes tearing into her very soul as he spoke.

"Your father and godfather did something very bad, to someone I cared about. And now, you will all pay." Mia screamed at him, then tripped him with her left foot, he fell on the road beside her. He attempted to punch her from his position on the ground, but she grabbed his fist, and twisted his arm. Due to her immense strength from the mirakuru serum, Zoom's arm cracked under the pressure of her strength. He screamed in agony as his arm appeared to have been broken. 

Though his scream sounded more like the aftermath of a successful exorcism.

Just when she was about to roundhouse kick him, he grabbed her leg and threw her to the ground, she attempted to get up again after coughing, but he took both the demon blades that had been disregarded on the ground, and plunged them in her stomach. 

She screamed in so much pain, that it echoed throughout the dead street.

She was gasping for her breath by now, Zoom had used this to his advantage, and spun around in a circle with his speed, blue lighting following his every move. 

This opened up another blue portal thingy (Mia honestly had no idea what to call them) and he disappeared into the night. The portal and any hope of her ever going home disappeared as well. One thing was for certain, Mia Smoak was doomed. 

She laid her head back down after lifting it for a moment, closing her eyes in defeat.


Mia assumed she had passed out from the pain, because when she woke up again, she was still laying on the same street, only the sun was beginning to rise, telling her she had been unconscious for at least 5-6 hours.

It was now early-morning, and she needed a plan. If she didn't get back soon, her entire world would parish. Nora Darhk would take over the world, everyone she knows and love will die. Though the list of her loved ones is severely short now.

She grabbed her bag, that was somehow miraculously still on her back (albeit a little beat up) and decided hitchhiking was her best option. One glance at the sign posted next to the road she had been 'generously' thrown on, made her sigh in irritation.

 In big bold letters, it read;


She shakely got back up to her feet, still getting used to her new temporary injuries, and let out a longer, much more annoyed sigh. She stuck out her thumb, to alert people that she was looking to hitch a ride, and muttered one simple phrase.

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