The second time we met, you seemed to like me more than the first

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Mount Justice- August 8th, 16:30 PDT

Thea was driving them to the location they were instructed to go too. She had Justice League business, and needed to use the 'Zata Beams' to get to the somewhere called the 'watchtower'. Mia was still pissed that Roy and Constantine wouldn't tell her where they were actually going. Just that these so called Zata Tubes could teleport you anywhere in the world. She kept begging them to explain the science of it to her, but surprise, surprise.... they didn't.

"Just tell me where the hell we're going!" Mia was so frustrated, that at this point she was screaming. She tried to squirm her way closer to Roy's phone screen, that had coordinates she's never seen before, but it only caused her to groan in pain. And him to hide the screen from her, even more than he already did.

"Hey!" Thea shouted at the two idiots she calls her family. 

"One; Mia, stop moving you'll hurt yourself. Two; Roy, if you don't want her to see the screen, turn the damn thing off. And three; Mia, stop asking questions we won't answer. And if you ask us where we're going one more time, the answer will be a 40 foot hole in the ground."

She sent Mia and Roy a glare through the drivers mirror, and they both looked away. Both scared what she will do if they don't listen to her. Thea can be real mom sometimes.

"We're here." Thea announced.

"A telephone box?" Mia questioned her aunt and uncle incredulously.

"Yup! Let's get out. I'll go first, since I was supposed to be at the watchtower 10 minutes ago." Thea headed to the rusty, crusty looking telephone box first, a robotic voice was heard, and then a bright white light? Mia was beyond confused by now.

"Alright, our turn. Lets go!" Roy somehow managed to talk with sarcasm and enthusiasm at the same time.

He dragged her while she started protesting. Claiming it's not a teleporting tube, but a sunshiny contraption of death. She also claimed that Thea was long gone now. Roy merely rolled his eyes, while simultaneously ignoring her protests. They stepped inside, (by stepped inside I mean Roy dragged her stubborn ass inside the box) and the robotic voice was heard again, followed by the same bright light. 

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