Godly business, forging bonds and new faces

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Ra rose from his seat on his holy boat. He had watched the fight with his Champion against the Fallen Angel as they were made out of flames. He rubbed his head upon the ending of the fight. His stress was slowly coming down. He almost lost his champion and seeing him overpower them really made him relax a bit. Just then a flap of feather wings appeared behind him as heels clicked on landing. Turning his head to look behind him Ra smiled seeing a female with feathers on her arms. She wore a long white dress with Egyptian symbols scattered along it. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue as her hair was cut just below the ears. The feathers of her wings retracted into her arms as Ra stood up and met with her.

"Maat. my sweet child.  Where have you been?" He smiled holding his daughter in his arms. 

"I apologize father. I have been watching over your sons and daughters. After the great war, I had to take some time to heal my wounds. What about you father. How have you been?" She asked looking at him as he chuckled before taking some steps towards the bow of the ship motioning for her to follow him. 

"I have taken a few centuries to myself after the great war. Of course my time spent was holding back Apophis. But in desperate times with fighting Set Osiris has made a dragon he named Slifer, the heavenly dragon of Osiris. Geb had made his soldier of stone, Obelisk. He couldn't protect Egypt and  the world at the same time. No matter how many times he believed it to be so. Over the years I have made myself a protector of Egypt as well. My dragon of the sun. My champion calls him Ra. It's quite confusing." He chuckled.

Maat followed behind before standing next to him. She gazed at the world below taking in the info. "Champion?....Father. How many have you had?" 

"I've had only two. My first was Marik. I sadly lost him to to Apophis. His wicked gods took over his body and forced him to insanity and sadism. Even to this day....I don't know if he's still alive or not. But my newest champion. Y/n....he reminds me so much of him before he was taken over. Always wants to do what's right. Training hard to become worthy of my blessing....of my Dragon.....he's already worthy... he's just blinded by his failure." 

"What is his failure father?" Maat asked looking at him as the falcon headed god looked at the earth down below. 

"Not destroying the Sacred Beasts. They're sealed inside of him. But over the sixty five years he's been awake. The seal of Osiris has become weaker and weaker. I can only assume that in the upcoming months, maybe at most a year, the sacred beasts will overpower him." He thought before getting tears in his eyes. "I will lose him to them as well. If that happens. It'll be up to me to end him." He said before a droplet fell from his chin. Ra was now openly crying. In some way or form it's as if his champions can never have a lasting life. One lost to Apophis and now one slowly on his way to being lost to the Sacred Beasts. Maat placed a hand on her fathers shoulder looking at him.

"If that comes to pass father....I will lead him to his paradise in the field of reeds. After Osiris judges him." She said making the god nod before suddenly looking at her.

"Osiris is alive?!" This caught the falcon god of the sun off guard. For all he knew Osiris died during the fight with Seth before the great war. Then after the great war nearly ninety-five percent of the gods had died in the war. 

"Yes. Myself, You, Geb, Osiris and Anubis are the only surviving gods left." She said making the god nod but he knew that wasn't true due to the sinister snake-like laughter was heard below him along with Set still being alive. "But father what is your champion doing?" 

"Well it's late afternoon in Japan. He's more than likely doing his homework." He smiled. 

Y/n sighed as he rubbed his head. He was getting frustrated with the thing that caused him soo many problems. Math. "Carry the five and put the three here. But that doesn't equal C. AHH why is this soo hard." He sighed as he leaned in his chair. The rolling gaming chair creaked as he sighed. A small creak of his door caught his attention as he noticed Yubelluna.  In her hands was a tray, the tray had a simple ham sandwich with a glass of water.  

The Emperor of the sun. (Male reader x Yubella)Where stories live. Discover now