Chapter Three B1

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The living room is adorned with Harvard University banners and streamers, and a large table is set up with food and drinks. Deborah and Frederick are dressed in their best clothes, greeting guests as they arrive.

Deborah feels happy and thrilled. "Welcome, welcome everyone! We're so glad you could all make it to Ralph's send-off party."

Frederick talks to the guets. " Yes, our son is off to Harvard University, and we couldn't be more proud."

Bob arrives with a case of beer. " Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson! Congrats on Ralph's acceptance to Harvard."

Deborah:  Oh Bob, so thoughtful of you. Thank you and thanks for bringing the beer. Just set it over there on the table.

Bob places the beer on the table. "No problem. Hey Ralph, you're one lucky guy."

Ralph glances at Bob and smiles. "Thanks, Bob!"

(Frank, Desmond and Hillary go their younger brother Ralph congratulating him)

"We're so proud of you brother! Desmond puts his arm on Ralph's shoulder.

Touches Ralph's head. "You're unbelievable kid, you made it to Harvard!" Frank feels proud of his brother.

"We got Princeton, we got Yale, me Columbia and now Harvard! Wow Raphy, great job!" Hillary kisses her brother's cheek.

Katelyn runs to her siblings.

"Hello Katie, how about you where do you think you're going for college?" Frank embraces his little sister.

"Hmmm, maybe Stanford. I want to be an Architect!" Katelyn's answers.

"Harvard also offers Architecture." Hillary tells Katelyn.

"I like the weather here in California. It doesn't snow unlike Massachusetts,"says Katelyn.

Jimmy with his girlfriend enters the living room with a gift. "Hey, Ralph! Congrats, man. I got you a little something for your dorm room."

Ralph excuses himself and walks over to Jimmy.  "Thanks, Jimmy. A dart board, my favorite!"

Klein arrived with his girlfriend. "Hey Ralph, congrats! Got you a little something too."

"Oh c'mon guys you shouldn't have bothered." Ralph's feeling thankful for his friends.

Deborah talks to the house helpers and look at the long table filled with food already.

Noel enters the living room with his girlfriend, Rebecca.  "Hey everyone. Congrats, Ralph. I got you a gift for you man."

Ralph opens the gift and sees a picture with all of his friends including him and Penelope. "Man, this is...(Getting teary-eyed and hugs Noel) Thanks brother!

Noel: You're very welcome.

Katelyn goes to her mom.

Deborah: Is everything okay, sweety?

Katelyn: My friends are coming over.

Deborah: Where are they?

Katelyn: I think they're on their way here now.

Deborah hugs her daughter and kisses her head before joining his husband talking to other guests.

Ralph embraces Penelope.

Penelope wraps her arms around Ralph's neck.

Frederick notices Ralph and Penelope's closeness and feels worried.

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