Chapter Sixteen B1

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Ralph: Can you believe it? We're finally graduating from Harvard!

Thomas: I know, man. It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen here.

Abraham walks over to join them. "Hey, guys! I'm so excited. My whole family is here to watch me graduate."

Kristopher: Mine too. This is a big day for all of us.

Charles walks to his friends.

Ralph looks at Charles. "Magna Cumlaude huh?"

Charles smirks. "I didn't expect it to be honest unlike our Summa Cumlaude here." Pats Kristopher's shoulder.

Kristopher smiles and being humble.

As they talk,  Laura, walks towards them with her son, Richard.

Charles: Look who's here to cheer daddy up? (Carries his son)

Laura:  We wouldn't miss this for the world. We're so proud of you, honey.

Charles: Thank you.

Laura kiss Charles sweetly.

After they talked about their college unforgettable memories.

Ralph: We better head towards the stage. The ceremony is about to begin.

The group makes their way towards the stage, where they take their seats according to their field of studies. Their families are sitting in the audience, eagerly waiting for their loved ones to receive their diplomas.

As the ceremony progresses, the graduates are called up one by one to receive their diplomas and shake hands with their professors and the Dean of the University. After what feels like hours, it's finally Ralph's turn.

Presenter calls on Ralph Anderson's name. (applause and cheers from the audience)

Ralph walks up to receive his diploma, feeling a mix of emotions. As he walks off the stage, Ralph's family are feeling happy and proud of him.

Laura teases Elizabeth. "You guys should get married now."

Elizabeth smiles.

Meanwhile, Susie, Thomas, Abraham, Victoria, Kristopher, and Harold have also received their diplomas and are now sitting back in their seats, excited for the final part of the ceremony - the speeches.

Presenter: And now, may I introduce to you the class of 1984's Summa Cum Laude, Kristopher Gregory Luis Bowers.

Kristopher's friends are all cheering for him.

Victoria feels proud of her fiancee.

Kristopher stands up to make his speech, and all his friends stand up to give him a standing ovation. As Kristopher begins his speech, he narrated a poem and then he talks about his journey at Harvard together with his friends - the late-night study sessions, the unforgettable moments, and the strong bond they have formed as friends.

Kristopher: To my fellow classmates, today, we are not only receiving our diplomas but also the memories of the last four years. We have grown and learned, both in and out of the classroom. And as we leave this prestigious university, we carry with us not just the knowledge but also the friendships that will last a lifetime.

The audience applauds and cheers as Kristopher steps down from the stage and walks over to where Victoria is seated and kisses her so deeply.

Presenter: And now, I would like to welcome our guest speaker for the day...

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