Chapter One B1

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~ Graduation Day ~

Ralph is struggling with his tie in front of a mirror when his mother, Deborah, knocks on his bedroom door.

Ralph: Come in! (exhales) Alright, just one last try.

Deborah walks inside the room and smiles upon seeing Ralph struggling with his tie. "Oh honey, let me help you with that."

Ralph chuckles. "Just trying to get this tie to look perfect for graduation."

Deborah fixes Ralph's tie for him. "Well, I think it looks pretty perfect already, just like my son."

Ralph chuckles and looks at her mom. "Thank you, Mom."

Deborah holds Ralph's face. "I am so happy for you, Ralph. You made us all proud. Speaking of graduation, I can't believe it's finally here. My baby boy is officially graduating from high school."

"Yeah, it's crazy how fast time flies. It feels like just yesterday I was starting high school," says Ralph and gets his coat.

Deborah: And now you're finishing as the salutatorian and with a scholarship to Harvard University. Me and your father are so proud of you. You really made your way to the top!

Ralph grins. "Thanks, Mom. I couldn't have done it without your endless support and encouragement. I owe it to Nana too. With her endless (chuckles) scoldings and her everyday life teachings. (Ralph gets teary-eyed remembering his grandmother)

Deborah smiles. "Oh, my baby. " Hugs Ralph and kisses his cheek. "Your Nana is so happy right now looking down at you. "

Ralph feels excited and has mixed emotions. " And look, I finally ironed out the wrinkles in my cap. Can't walk on stage with a crinkled cap, right?"

Deborah: (chuckles) You're right. Attention to detail, just like always. It's one of your greatest strengths, honey.

(Ralph puts on his cap and poses in front of the mirror.)

Ralph: (smiling) How do I look, Mom?

"You look just perfect Mr. Salutatorian!" Deborah teasingly says.

Frederick joins his wife and son. "How do you feel son?"

Ralph smiles. "I'm good, Dad. Thank you for coming over. I know how busy you are and the recent economic crises are becoming crazier."

"Oh Ralph, I wouldn't miss it for the world. " He taps Ralph's shoulder and notices the sadness in his eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Um...I'm...I'm just (Ralph sighs) I only have a few months left and then I'll be going to Cambridge. I will be away from my girlfriend."

"I know how important she is in your life, Ralph. However, true love will always wait. You always have to think ahead of the future you want to have for yourself and your future family. Long-distance relationships might be very challenging for you both and I suggest you think about yourself first. I am not saying you break up with her, all I'm saying is think about the life you want to have in the future. Think of what you want to achieve and become of." Frederick in a serious tone. "You got a lot ahead of you, son. You will still meet a lot of women in your life. I want you to enjoy life, Ralph, and start molding your future."

The ceremony begins and where all of the graduates start marching towards their respective seats.

Deborah sees Ralph. "Oh, there he is! Oh darling, look at your boy! He has grown into a fine handsome young and smart man."

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