Chapter Fourteen B1

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A week before Thanksgiving Day

Ralph feels amazed. "Wow Elizabeth you look so stunning."

Elizabeth blushes. "Thank you, Ralph. You look great too."

Ralph: Are you ready for our date?

Elizabeth smiles. "Absolutely!"

Ralph takes Elizabeth's hand and leads her to a car. They go to a fancy restaurant.

Elizabeth feels impressed. "Wow, this place is beautiful!"

Ralph: I thought you would like it. Shall we?

They enter the restaurant and are greeted by the hostess.

Hostess: Good evening, sir, madam. Do you have a reservation?

Ralph: Yes, it's under Ralph and Elizabeth.

Hostess: Right this way, please.

Everyone in the restaurant turns to look at them as they walk to their table.

Elizabeth whispers. "This look so expensive, how did you manage to make a reservation?"

Ralph smiles. "Don't worry, tonight is on me. I want to treat you like a princess."

Elizabeth: You're too sweet.

They sit down at the table and Ralph orders for them.

Elizabeth: So, Ralph, what are your plans after college?

Ralph: Oh, I have big plans! I want to start my own business.

Elizabeth: That's amazing! What kind of business are you thinking of?

Ralph: I want to start a solution company it's like a human resource system.

Elizabeth: That's incredible, Ralph. I have no doubt that you will be successful.

Ralph:  Thank you, Elizabeth. Your support means everything to me.

Elizabeth: What your family's business?

Ralph: I will still take part of it.

Their food arrives and they enjoy a delicious dinner while chatting and getting to know each other better.

Elizabeth: This was a wonderful evening, Ralph. Thank you for everything.

Ralph smiles. "The night is not over yet. I have one more surprise for you."

Elizabeth feel curious. "What is it?"

Ralph grins. "Let's just say it involves my dorm room."

Elizabeth's eyes widen in surprise as Ralph pays the bill and leads her out of the restaurant.

Elizabeth feels excited and curious. "What is it, Ralph?"

Ralph smiles. "You'll see."

Ralph and Elizabeth arrive at the dorm and Ralph walks her to his room.

Elizabeth looks around. "It's very neat and clean."

Ralph laughs. "Thank you. I take pride in keeping it clean and organized."

Elizabeth: I'm impressed.

Ralph takes out a bouquet of flowers from his desk and hands it to Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, I've had a great time getting to know you tonight. I feel like we have a special connection. I really want to take our being friends to another level." Ralph sounds sincere.

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