Chapter Seven B1

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Suzette is walking in the park inside the campus and she isn't aware that Charles is tailing her behind.

Charles clears throat. "Suzette! Susie wait up! I'm glad to see you again. I get this feelin' that you're avoidin' me."

Susie stops and turns around to face Charles. "First of all, I don't really enjoy being followed around by someone who doesn't take no for an answer!"

Charles: I know I'm some kind of a jerk, but I will change for the better for you. Just give me a chance, Susie.

Susie rolls her eyes. "Haven't we been through this before? Let me remind you, I am not interested in you or your charm, Charles!

Charles leans closer. "Please, just give me a chance to show you that I can change for  you. I promise to treat you with the respect you deserve."

Susie crosses her arms. "Respect?! Is that what you call following me around, trying to win me even when I've clearly told you no?

Charles sighs and feels desperate. "Look, I know we come from different backgrounds, but that doesn't mean we can't be together!"

Susie raises an eyebrow. "You're absolutely right! We have different backgrounds!  I am an African-American and you are English! I am dark and you, you are fair!"

Charles: That shouldn't matter, love knows no boundaries!

Susie shakes her head. "You just don't get it, Charles. You don't know what you're talking about! People will always look at us differently!"

Charles:  Suzette, we can learn from each other and grow together, I am willing to make compromises.

Suzette: I don't think you understand. We are just too different, Charles Walker.

Charles gently holds her hand. "But that's what makes us so interesting, isn't it? We can learn new things from each other and experience different cultures together."

Susie pulls her hand away. "No, Charles. I am not your experiment, your chance to prove that you are not racist. I am a person, with my own feelings and beliefs."

Charles hangs his head. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to come off that way. I just truly care for you and I am willing to fight for us."

Susie feels sad. "Charles, I appreciate that, but I can't be with someone like you, especially that you are from wealthy family from England!"

Charles holds Susie's face. "I know I have a lot of learning to do, but I am willing to do it for you. Just give me a chance to show you."

Suzette: I can't, Charles. I've already made up my mind.

Charles feels disappointed and heartbroken. "Fine, I understand. I just hope that someday you'll see how much I truly care for you."

Susie:  I have to go, Charles. Take care.

Charles: Can we at least be friends?

Susie smiles. "Sure, I would like that, Charles. But don't think this changes anything between us.

Charles nods. "I won't. Thank you, Suzette."

Suzette walks away with a slight smile on her face. Charles watches her go, knowing that he may have lost the battle, but he still has hope for the future. He knows that he will have to work hard to understand and respect Suzette's culture, but he is willing to do it for her.
Victoria opens the door.

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