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  Reed Enterprises was the place to work—the best employees, boss, and coffee. I can't live without my morning coffee, and my friends know it. They've seen the chaos.
   I currently go to college while I work at Reed Enterprises. But to work at Reed full-time, I needed a bachelor's degree, which I didn't have. But I will soon since I graduate in 9 months. So I thought.
   Most people call me Liz, but my full name is Elizabeth. I'm 24, a little old, but I make it work. Many people say 'I don't look my age' and ' How old are you?! But I take it as a compliment.  The only comment is, 'I'm living my best life in my apartment, in college, a steady job, and 24 years of age', and they're still confused. 
     But sadly enough, I couldn't say that to anyone because I don't see them anymore. I don't go to college, a steady job, or an apartment under my name. Instead, I'm living with my best friend because the landlord kicked me out.
      After moving in with her, I wouldn't see my everyday civilian life again.

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