Morning grief

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   I wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking, which is always motivation to get up. I slowly lean forward and notice I'm not in my bed; I'm in someone else's. It had dark gray sheets with a black comforter, and I wore a giant shirt. A man's shirt is my best guess. But the real question is, how did I get this on? But I can't lie; I was pretty comfortable, but I didn't know whose bed I was in, so I got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. I walk down a hallway that looks very unfamiliar. I keep walking, following the smell of bliss, and finally reach the source. Max is making breakfast in, I assume, the kitchen. Before he could see me, I looked around at my surroundings, and I took in a gasp. It was beautiful with an all-white interior with black furniture, details, and some dark gray splashed in with them.
" This place is beautiful," I said.
" Thank you, this is my home." I was in shock. This is where he lived daily and hasn't talked about it?! I would be taking pictures everywhere, but I recently figured out that Max doesn't like photos of personal places.
" Do you have guests over often?"
" No, why do you ask?"
" I was just assuming I slept in the guest bedroom."
" No. You slept in my bed," Max replied. Did I sleep in his bed? No wonder it was so huge.
" Where did you sleep?"
" I just slept on the couch." I looked over at the only couch I could see and saw a loveseat for only two people. Max had to've been uncomfortable; he would have to sleep in an L shape to fit.
" Why did you sleep on the couch in your apartment? I could've just slept on the floor." I have way too much practice at sleeping on a hard-ass floor.
" It's no big deal, Elizabeth. I was being a gentleman." I wanted to protest, but I knew he was trying to be excellent.
" Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed. You have a nice smell." Do you have a pleasant smell? Really Liz?! I'm such an idiot.
" Thank you," he said as he walked over with two plates full of food. I see a few sausages, mixed fruit, peanut butter toast, and a smoothie. I smile a little with gratitude.
" I didn't know you could cook."
" Not all rich men are unskilled." Fair point, I guess. I judged him a little too hard when we first met. I'm a judging person. What can I say?  I start to pick up my fork and start eating the sausage first. I've forgotten what sausage tastes like, so I take a second to look at it, then take a long, savoring bite and almost moan at the taste.
" I see you like the sausage," he said as he chuckled. I open my eyes and look down, embarrassed.
" Sorry, I haven't had sausage in a while. No one offered to cook them for me before."
" When was the last time you had sausage?" I hesitated at the question. I knew the answer, but I wasn't proud of it.
" When I was 9."  I was still looking down at my plate, trying to keep eating.
" Why so long?" Max asked. I raised my head slowly and answered when I was looking at him.
" My parents always made them for me every Sunday morning. But they were murdered on my 10th birthday, and I never had them again. I didn't know how to cook at the time. But I usually don't cook them myself now because it reminds me of them."  A single tear escaped my eye, and I immediately wiped it away. I began eating my breakfast while Max was Still frozen in place.
"I'm sorry about your parents."  I look up at him, seeing pain in his ocean-blue eyes While lying to his face.
"It's ok; I started to accept the grief about two years ago."  but I'm still dealing with the pain after finding out that Trey murdered my parents; I couldn't just accept that.  I look back down at my plate, only being half eaten. I push it forward a little, losing my appetite.
" Thank you for the breakfast. It was good," I said, mustering a smile.
" Of course. We should get going, though, as the jet leaves in an hour."  With that, I start to get up from my seat, But freeze in place.
" Hey, Max?"
" Yes, Elizabeth?" he said While cleaning up the counter.
" Do you have any clothes I could borrow for the flight to this mystery destination? My suitcase is still on the plane."
" Of course. I forgot to grab some clothes For you last night, and I apologize. Let me help you find my closet."
" Thanks. This place is like a maze."  Max chuckled as he started To walk to the same hallway that I came out of for breakfast. I followed him quickly as he had a more enormous stride than I did. I watch him walk into the bedroom I was sleeping in and make a sharp right turn to the corner of the room. I do the same and saw a walk-in closet I didn't even see this morning.  Max started To look through his clothes, trying to find some clothes That could fit me.
" Here. These should fit; it's the smallest I have."
" Thank you. It'll work." Max walks out, and I start to put on the clothes he gave me. The shirt and pants are a little loose, but they are good enough for now.
" Hey Elizabeth, are you ok wearing that same shoes-"
I looked up at Him, but he stopped mid-sentence when he entered the room. He looked me up and down and just smirked.
" How do they fit?"
"They'll do. Thank you again."  He looks at me one last time before exiting to get my coat and his. I was not expecting that kind of reaction from him. 
   I limp back the way I came with my shoe, making thumping noises down the hallway. There are pictures on the wall, But I respect his privacy by not looking at them.
I find Max typing away on his phone, and he looks up at me when I walk near him.
" Are you ready for a vacation?" he asked.
" More than ready." I couldn't wait to get out of my home city, just for a little bit.

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