Possibly related

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  I left my final class through the double doors and was ready to go home, but I remembered I had somewhere to be. I walked through The boring hallway full of the same students I see daily. I reach the Brown double doors by the entrance, the closest to my car, and push them open, feeling the gush of summer air. The walk to my car took a bit, but the next thing I knew, I was standing right In front of the driver's side of my sky-blue Honda Civic. I opened the door, got in, started the engine, and left for my uncle's office. He was the CEO of Ray Enterprises, which was right next door to my job at Reed. I didn't want to see my uncle because he called me almost daily. Almost.
    I walked into the tall building, heading straight for the reception desk. I was just about to speak when I saw a finger shoved in my face by the receptionist.  " Yes, sir. Of course. Mr. Bradshaw would be delighted to meet with you. Yes, sir, he won't make a scene this time. Have a good day," she said as I looked around the room. The interior was very fancy; it had windows on every side, making the furniture bright with color during the day. All of the furniture was a dark blue color with soft fabric. They looked very comfortable to sit in. Suddenly, I heard her stop talking, so I looked back to see if she was done with her phone call, and she was. She put the phone down with a click and just stared at me.
    " Can I help you?" She said in an annoyed tone.   I recognized her voice from the phone call I got this morning. It was the same snotty voice. 
" I'm here to see my uncle about a funeral," I said.
" Name." She didn't even ask; she ordered in an annoyed tone. It's like she had a million different clients saying that her uncle has a funeral to get to, and that annoyed the fuck out of me.
  " Elizabeth Weston."  
" Take the elevator to the top floor. Take two rights and one left. Big doors, can't miss them."  She rapidly declared. Like I was going to remember all of that. Thanks anyway.
     I started walking towards the elevators when I noticed a man waiting. He wore a standard pair of jeans and a leather jacket over a white T-shirt. I stood next To him for what felt like forever, trying not to stare at how handsome he was. The dinging of the elevator sounded, and the doors opened. A stampede Of businessmen and women came rushing out, leaving just the two of us. I walked into the elevator after him and went straight to the far corner.
" Going up?" The gentleman asked.
"Yes. Top floor." I didn't know what else to say, so I stood in the corner, looking at the interior. The sides were marble with metal outlines on the very edges. My eyes went around following the outline but stopped at the buttons for the floor levels. There was only one illuminated with light. He must be going to the top as well.
        After a minute of silence, the doors opened to the top floor. I walked out first into the White hallway with marble flooring, and he followed me. Somehow, I remembered the directions from the snotty lady downstairs and got to the big doors.
      I opened the black wood doors with a push just as I saw the man from the elevator round a corner to where I was standing. 
      "Are you here for an appointment with Mr. Bradshaw?" He had asked as we both walked to the actual doors to his office. Apparently, my uncle needed two entrances.
" Kind of. I'm here on personal matters." I didn't know what else to say, seeing he was a stranger. 
" I'm also here on personal matters. Which is impossible because I don't think we're related," he said questionably.
       I thought this guy was joking.  The fact that he considered it possible that we could be related was a sick joke. He was devilishly handsome, and I was a regular girl with acne. What an idiot.

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